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"Spencer!" I scream and everything goes quiet.

(No ones POV)
When the lights turn back on all the FBI agents have their guns out and are looking around. Spencer notices the back door is open.

"Morgan!" He shouts and Morgan follows him.

JJ tells everyone they can't leave until interviewed and the team begins to speak to everyone.

Reid slowly walks down the backstairs and finds Rose's purse and an almost empty syringe. Morgan goes outside and sees a large black van without licenses driving away. It's already down the block so he goes back inside.

"They took her." Morgan tells Reid.
"They drugged her." Reid says in shock.

They go back upstairs and help the team interview people.

Spencer and Garcia leave early to the motel and start looking for people with restraining orders and other crimes. They find the man that matches Rose's drawing perfectly.

"Keep searching him. See if he was married if he has kids. Stuff like that." Reid says.
"Hun you act as if I don't do this for a living. We'll get him and you guys will save her." Garcia says reassuringly.

Rose's POV

I can't see anything but I here cars and it's really bumpy. I try to move my hands but they're tied together and to something and so are my legs.

"Where are you taking me? Who are you? Why did you take me? Can I at least see you?" I ask.
"No you can't see me until we get to the barn. You are my new artist. You don't need to know who I am. I am talking you to a special place where you will stay until I get tired of you." A deep voice answers.
"Are you the man that's been giving me those roses and letters?" I ask.
"Did you like them? I wanted to get you something just as beautiful as your work." He says.
"Thank you. But I can make you painting without you having to take me. It would be a lot easier for everyone and-"
"Shut up you dumb bitch!" Another man cuts me off by hitting me.
"Sorry." I lay back down and cry. I know I won't make it out of here unharmed.

It's a long quiet drive. There is a third person driving because the two men are both in back. The one helped me after the other hit me. He gave me some ice for my face and covered me with a blanket. The other yelled whenever I said anything or moved "wrong". That one scared me.

We suddenly stop and I hear the doors open. Then I feel someone untying me from the bars in the car. Then someone throws me over their shoulder and carries me inside. They drop my on a bed and take off the blindfold. I look around I'm surrounded by paints and canvasses.

When I see the men I see the one is the man I've been seeing a lot and the other is wearing a grey hooding. Then I look over to see... Staci?!

"What- Why- How are you...?" I mumble.
"Sorry Rose. This is my dad and my uncle." She says.
"You were right we do like this one." The larger man in the hoody says.

I curl up in a ball and begin to cry. They all leave me be, closing the cell door and locking it. I soon fall asleep from exhaustion of crying.

Reid's POV
After finding the syringe and finding the unsub, I send the syringe back to the BAU to be analyzed.

"Guys!" I hear Garcia shout.

We all rush to the back room of the court house where Garcia is staying.

"You won't believe what I just found." She says typing away. "The unsub, Jason Anderson, is Rose's roommate's father."
"Staci's dad is the unsub?" JJ asks.
"Staci told Rose to throw away the flowers." I say.
"She probably knew this was going to happen." Rossi says.
"Did anyone talk to Staci after the black out?" Hotch asks.
"I thought JJ was going to do it." Morgan says.

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