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"I sent the letters a week ago. Why haven't they responded?" I ask, my friend/roommate, Staci.
"They might be on a case. They are the FBI, Rose. They probably don't have much free time." Staci says. "Just focus on your piece. It has to be done tomorrow."
"You're right." I say and go back to painting.

I had already finished four pieces but I'm supposed to make at least one more. I'm the star artist this year so I get to display my pieces on the star wall.

Most of the time they put the three of the top of the class. But every year at this annual they choose one student to display they're art on this wall.

The "artist of the year" is what they call it. I don't like it but whatever. I'm supposed to pick other students to paint also and pick the ones that compliment my art. I thought that was bull so I left it open to anyone.

I turn my music up and begin to paint some final touches and finally step back. I smile and the finished product and take off my apron. I've been struggling to finish this one. I wasn't sure why but I think it's my best one.

"Done." I whisper to myself.

I turn off my music and go wash up and change. Then the doorbell goes off.

"Staci can you get that?!" I shout.
"Busy!" She shouts back.

I throw my hair up in a ponytail as I walk to the door. The bell goes off again.

"Coming!" I shout and quickly go down the stairs.

I open the door and my jaw drops to China. I snap myself out of it.

"You guys came! Umm I mean it's nice to finally meet you." I say trying to seem normal.
"Hi Rose. May we come in?" SSA Aaron Hotchner asks me.
"Yeah of course." I move to let them in. "Would you like anything to drink or eat?"
"We're fine. Thank you." agent Jennifer Jareau says.
"In the letter with Reid's flier you said you had some questions for us?" SSA Derrick Morgan asks.
"Let's go to the back yard." I say.

I show them to the backyard. They all follow and once they're all outside I shut the door.

"First can you introduce yourselves? I know who you are I just don't know what you look like besides Agent Rossi and Dr. Reid." I say, which isn't entirely true.

"Of course. I'm SSA Aaron Hotchner." SSA Hotchner says.
"The head if the BAU." I say.
"I'm SSA Derrick Morgan." SSA Morgan says.
"Penelope Garcia, technical analyst." Garcia says waving with a smile.
"SSA Emily Prentiss." SSA Prentiss says.
"Agent Jennifer Jareau." Agent Jareau says.
"Reid and Rossi." Rossi points to Reid and then himself.
"So what are your questions?" Dr. Reid asks.
"How can you tell if someone is following you or watching you?" I ask. I see agent Morgan's shoulders drop.
"Is that why you invited us to this thing? So we can protect you and find your 'stalker'." Morgan asks slightly angry.
"No I just want tips. Yes I think someone's following me but that not why I brought you here. Sorry I shouldn't have asked." I say quickly shaking my head.
"No it's fine." Dr. Reid says. "You guys can go look around town for stuff to do and I'll help Rose with this." He offers.
"I'll stay and help with it." JJ offers.
"Okay. Catch ya later kid." Morgan says to Reid.
"It was a pleasure meeting you Hun." Garcia says.

I show them out. Then JJ, Reid, and I go to the living room.

"Rose? Who was at the door?" Staci asks walking down the stairs.
"The FBI." I say.
"Yeah right who was it?" She asks. "Who are they?"
"I'm Dr. Spencer Reid and this is Agent Jennifer Jareua and we're from the FBI. You just missed the rest of the team." Reid says standing up to shake her hand.

She shakes his hand and looks at me. I nod. She says hi introduces herself and goes back to her room.

"She thinks I'm being paranoid. That's why I want to learn how to tell if someone's following me." I explain.
"Well first..." Dr. Reid starts.

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