The beginning.

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I put the rest of my papers in my bag and close it getting ready to head out. We have just finished a case and we are all excited to go home.
"Reid wait." Jennifer Jareau (JJ) says and I turn to her. "This came in for you. We all got one they are fliers for a college art exhibit a young girl wants us to come to."
"Did she say why?" I ask.
"All she said is that she would like us to see a few of the pieces." JJ tells me. The rest of the team is listening now.
"Anyone who wants to go the jet leaves tomorrow at 10." Arron Hotchner, head if the BAU, from the doorway of his office.
"It would be fun to take a trip somewhere as a group that doesn't involve a killer and/or kidnapping." Derrick Morgan says we all nod.
"Does Garcia get one too?" Penelope Garcia asks coming over to us.
"I was on my way to give it to you." JJ says handing Garcia the same white envelope that we were all holding.
"Well I'll see you tomorrow guys." I smile and start walking to the elevator.
Everyone says their goodbyes and go home.

The next day
I packed a bag and I'm heading back to the BAU (behavioral analysis unit) to catch the jet.

When I get on the plane the only one here is Hotchner. I put my bag in one of the over head compartments.
"You're looking forward to this aren't you?" I ask.
"I've never been to North Dakota not on business. I think it'll be fun." He lies but I let it go and nod.
"Did you get an extra note in your envelope?" I ask holding the note I discovered the previous night.

Hotch looks confused so I hand him the note. It read:

Dear Dr. Spencer Ried;
If your team decides to come up here give me a call at ###-###-#### so we can meet up. If you can't make it, just mail me back at ****************. I would like to ask you some questions about the BAU and your team. Thank you for considering my offer.
Sincerely, Rose Clark

"What kind of questions does she mean? And why was it in my envelope?" I ask.
"We'll find out when we get there." Hotch tells me as Morgan comes on the plane.
"Should I call her?" I ask still confused.
"Does pretty boy have a girlfriend?" Derrick teases.
"No the girl that sent the fliers sent this with mine." I say and Hotch gives Morgan the note.

David Rossi and Emily Prentiss get on the plane shortly followed by JJ.

"JJ you got a note right?" Hitch we asks.
"It was for the team but I just summed it up. Why?" JJ says while putting her things up.
"Spencer got that note." Rossi, Prentiss, and JJ all read it.
"Sorry I'm almost late. I couldn't leave my laptop and then they wouldn't let me out.." Garcia babbles as she comes on the plane.
"It's fine. Just take a seat." Hotchner says.

JJ gives me the letter back and shrugs.

"Maybe she got her facts mixed up on who was in charge around here." Morgan says. I nod and put it in my bag.
"I think we should surprise her." Rossi says.
"Yeah we can take our stuff to the hotel and then go to her house and surprise her." Prentiss agrees.
"Well she lives on campus with several roommates. But she works at a cafe slightly out if campus. We can go there and hope she's working today." JJ says.
"Nothing like meeting a bunch of FBI agents while serving them in a diner." Garcia jokes.
"I don't want to meet her like that." I say.
"Yeah it doesn't seem right." Morgan agrees with me.
"Guys. She moved into a small house downtown a few weeks ago." Garcia says.
"There, we'll meet her there." I say.

It's a short and quiet flight.

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