Rescue part 1/2

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I see the knife about to plunge into the boy's chest, it would have been a nice ceremony for these sick bastards to do if it wasn't for the fact that the boy is my mate, and with him here now the seal they put on me is gone.

With a feral growl I break the remaining part of their flimsy ass seal, grabbing the sick bastard who was about to kill my mate,the knife just inches away from his small chest. I plunge my hand into his chest and crush his heart without mercy watching his eyes go wide before he turns to dust.

Hissing in fury I turn to my betrays who trapped me and took my coven by force,abused my vampires, and now tried killing my mate. My eyes flash dark red and silver and storm clouds start to gather overhead as my rage builds.

"Those of my blood return to me NOW!" I growl my power surging and breaking the pathetic spells they used to control my vampires. I feel my children and friends return to me as the coven bond repairs, and the instant rage that goes through the bond surprises me before my vampires turn on their captors with fifty thousand years of rage.

I smirk evilly as the traitors turn tail and run as they pathetic vampires get taken down bloodily by mine before two growls snap me out my rage to see two adult wolves growling at me, the bigger one that is a female barres her canines while the smaller male takes a brave step forward. I can tell by their scent they're related to my tiny mate who is passed out on the alter.

So he's a little mate sure is full of surprises. I think as I go to touch him only to hear more growls from the wolves,but I ignore them as I undo the ropes and take the hateful gag out of his mouth. Frowning darkly I run my fingers over the rope burn on my wrist.

He's so fragile I think as my fingers slide easily over the soft skin of one of his wrists that's been turned read from the rope and has slight burns meaning they soaked the rope in wolfsbane. Giving a small growl I lean forward and like the red marks on his wrist my saliva healing them completely, with a small though I bite his right wrist softly tasting his sweet chocolate like blood.

Taking a few small gulps I pull my fangs out and lick the pin pricks I put on his wrist, but these don't heal when I lick them closed these are tracking/claiming bites that will allow me to find him no matter where he is and shows over vampires he is mine.

Looking up I see the two wolves staring at me in shock as I gently pick my mate up and carry him to them. Placing him on the ground gently I look both of them in the eyes.

"Keep my mate safe, I will come for him in a year or two. But understand this he will be mine." I say with promise before using my speed to disappear from them.

It's time for traitors to die and time to clean house...this will be fun . 

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