False alarms and kissy time

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Hey everyone I felt I should make some cute fluff as I haven't done that for a few chapters so this one will have some fluff to it XD


Sage's pov:

"So what made that alarm go off and can I have gummy bears and chocolate frosting?" I ask Black as he comes to get me from the room I was told hide in with Marcia and the others. I'm two months into this pregnancy and I've already got cravings.

"I don't know what made the alarm go off, and of course you can." He says all tense letting me know he's really disturbed about the alarm going off when nothing was there. I know for the next three weeks the castle will be on lockdown because everyone will be scared it was Marcus, heck I'm scared it was Marcus.

"Maybe it malfunctioned, the guards have been way to busy to check the alarms regularly like they use to." I tell him standing up on my tiptoes to kiss his jaw, yes his jaw he grew another friggen inch the jerk.

"Maybe.." he whispers not looking at me as we walk to the elevator. We pass my brother Ray and his mate, yep my brother found his mate and his mate is an Alpha of another pack Black's family rules over. My brother's mates pack came because my brother's mate is a newly made the Alpha so he came to meet Black and found my brother.

"Hi Ray, hi Mikhail how are you guys after the false alarm?" I ask them stopping to chat with them. Ever since both my brothers came here we've gotten to reconnect, though Alex still mute, but Rick says he's starting to get past his shyness.

"We're good though Mike wants to go check on his pack mates he brought with him." Ray tells me as Mikhail continues dragging him towards where his pack should be "I'll stop by later to talk and I'll bring Alex." he calls as he gets dragged further away by his mate.

With a sigh I follow Black to the elevator and we go up to our floor. Black is really quiet and I don't like it. I hate when he ignores me because something is making him upset so I decide something I've never done before, but I know it will work.

I let Black walk into his office sit down before I initiate my plan. I walk over and kiss him deeply. He growl lowly before yanking me on him and making the kiss very passionate and lets just say hot. I start grinding against him making him make a deep growl that resonates through me and sends shivers down my spine.

"Keep that up and I'll take you right here." He growled when we came apart, his eyes going from his usual color to his wolf eyes and back. Fen is being just as taunting to zed cause I can hear both of them.

"I decide I don't gummy bears and frosting, I want this meal." I say leaning down and nibbling his ear and grinding against him.Suddenly I'm lifted up and placed on the desk on my back.

"I told you I'd take you and now I am." He growled in my ear, sending shivers down my spine.

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