Untitled Part 19

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Hi everyone sorry this chapter is so late and short, but I haven;t had time to write much what with dram in my life, but I will try to update t least once a month from now on :)


Sage's Pov:

I'm super happy right now, well ok a little scared too but I'm gonna be having babies. Even Fen is happy.

"Black are you ok?" I ask as we make our way to our room because he seems pale, the kind of pale you get when you're really sick.

"Fine, I'm fine." He says with no emotion in his voice and immediately I feel I did something wrong as it was probably my fault as usual. Suddenly Black halts and turns to face me grabbing my shoulders in a tight grip.

"Don't even think that, it's not your fault you did nothing wrong." He hissed at me through clenched teeth "It was my fault for not using protection as I should have done. Now your endanger." he finishes his grip gone "He'll find out and when he does he won't stop until you and the babies are dead." his voice is a whisper but I know who he means.

"Black he won't get me or the babies, you'll make sure of it. And he can't even enter the castle without setting off the alarms." I say as cheerfully as I can while blocking Black out of my mind so he can't sense that I'm just as scared as he is about his brother.

"If even comes within an inch of us or our babies I'll kill him" Fen growls letting me know what he thinks about this situation.

Sighing Black takes my hand and leads me inside our home where Marcia and the others are noticeably absent. I follow Black to our room and for three hours we sat on the bed cuddling and watching Transformers while eating pizza.

Black's pov:

Sage is beginning to drift off as we watch Transformers and frankly it does not interest me, but Sage seems to like it. I look at my little mate who's eyes are fluttering shut and I feel happy that he's in my life, but now that I know he's carrying our pups his life is even more danger.

"Troy,Jay meet me in office in five minutes we have something very urgent to discuss." I say to Jay and Troy through private links.

Taking the pizza box I place it on the table in the room and turn off the TV before tucking Sage. I give him a kiss on the head and he stirs a little but not much.

Heading to my office I pass Marcia "Marcia I want you to stay close to my room in case Sage need you. I'll tell you more later." I say to her as I continue to my office knowing she'll follow my orders.

Jay and Troy are already waiting for me when I open the door "I want security buffed up and more guards patrolling. Sage is pregnant." I tell them "And you both can be sure as hell Marcus will find out meaning he'll come after Sage while he's pregnant or when the babies are born." I say sitting down behind my desk.

"I'll tell the guards immediately Black, but you'll have to make an announcement soon or the others will wonder what's going on." Jay says to me his voice crisp and firm

"I agree with Jay, you'll have to make an announcement soon but you should tell your family first of your mom's gonna kill you as Sage is technically still a baby in our years." Troy says his voice calm and full of reason.

"Yes you're both right, I'll tell my family tomorrow when Sage wakes up, for now just follow my orders." I say as a way of dismissing them and they both leave.

This is gonna be a long pregnancy I think.


Hope you all liked this new chapter, let me know what you think in comments and stuff :) The next chapter will be longer I promise.

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