Genders and laughs

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Hey all my readers :) look who updated XD. Hope you all like this chapter,I know I had fun writing the funny bits XD

Sage's pov:

Things have been tense around here and I'm going bat shit crazy. Black hasn't let me outside in a week and I'm not feeling to good. Black and the doc think it's the babies but I think it's something different.

I'm about three months pregnant now and we're heading to the docs to see the babies genders. I'm munching on some gummy bears as we wait to reach the docs floor and I'm in a happy place right now. Gummy bears are awesome and I find it awesome the babies like it since it's my major craving.

"Sage you keep eating those you're going to get sugar high." Black says reaching for the bag and growl at him threateningly. Ken snorts behind me while Black parents smirk.

"Don't mess with a pregnant mate and their cravings son." Theodore says smirking as Black pulls his hand back quickly as I try to bite it. He looks at me in shock before looking at his dad with wide eyes.

"He tried to bite me.." He whispers as we reach the docs floor and I slip out with Ken right behind me. Ken is humming a song while eating some Cheetos that are making my mouth water and I know what I want for lunch now.

"Black can we have tacos with gummy bears,Cheetos,and sour patch?" I ask turning and smiling at him as he,Theo,and Ken all shiver and make faces of disgust while Laura smiles at me with knowing eyes.

"Uhh maybe you can,I want normal tacos." Black says coughing into his left hand before walking over to the doc who just smiling at all of us. Black,Theo and the doc walk to the rooms after Black tells me to wait for them to get the room ready so I plop down into one of the comfy chairs the doc has out.

After a little while they come out and Black picks me up and carried me into the room were the ultrasound machine is waiting for me. Once I'm on the bed the doc gets this tube thing and says he's going to smear it on my stomach.

"HOLY SHIT THAT'S COLD!!" I yelp loudly when the stuff touches my skin and everyone laughs at me in soft snickers earning them all a glare from me. The door opens and in pops my brothers with their mates, and I mean both of them only Alex stays close to his mate and looks at the floor.

Black look at them and smiles,though his eyes are watching Alex like a hawk. I guess he doesn't trust him at all even though Ray and I have forgiven him since it was an evil Wizard who hurt us by pretending to be out brother.

I forgive him, but his mental stability is bad Sage. Black's voice says through our link and I look at him while the doc gets his machine going He is unstable and even Rick has told me he's afraid to leave him alone for what he might do to himself. he adds making me sigh a bit through our link before the doc looks at me.

"Ready to see your kids again Luna?" he asks making me nod my head excitedly at the thought of seeing my babies again and this time he'll tell what gender they are. With a smile the doc places the wand thingy on my stomach and moves it around for a bit.

"Here we are baby A is..a male and a big one at that so he might me the next Alpha. Now let's see baby B." He says moving the wand while I look at my first baby and smile at Black when the doc says he could be the future Alpha. "Ah here we go baby B is.. another male though very much smaller than baby A." the doc says making me a little concerned but happy when he says both a healthy.

"Dammit!" Theo curses making me turn to watch him pull a fifty out of his wallet and hand it Ken before pulling another and handing it his wife who is smiling happily.

"You made bets about my babies genders?!" I squeak in surprise making everyone,aside from Alex, burst out laughing as the doc cleans the gel of my stomach.

"I'm sorry Sagey I couldn't resist." Laura says with a smile as she called by the nickname she gave me "I just had to beat my husband as a mother's intuition in never wrong." she says kissing my cheek while Black picks me up and looks at me with love filled eyes.

I'm happy it's boys he says through our link and I smile at him

Why I think girls are cuter I say back and he smirks at me

Because if we had girls any male who tried flirting with them would be dead within three seconds as no male would be allowed near them until they were fifty. He growls and I burst out laughing happily and cuddled into his chest happily.

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