Suprises all around

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Hey sorry I didn't update for awhile was busy and happy 4th of July everyone XD.

Picture of the bracelets Alex was making, I remember making those type pf bracelets for my friends.


-Time skip 1 month-

Sage's pov

Things have been great between me and Black, we've had lots of mind blowing sex... even in the kitchen and Marcia walked in on it.. I wanted to die right then and there. Wish I could say everything has been completely great but it hasn't.

Three days after my parents were taken care of my brother Alex's mate called the pack doctor to check his mates health and it turns out Alex had more scars from beatings than Ray and I do. Also when I saw Alex's eyes I freaked, the Alex who always hurt me had cruel green eyes but the one in front of me had dull dead looking blue eyes. It turns out my real brother never hurt me, an evil Wizard my dad made a deal with was the one hurting me and Ray, we found that out after the wizard appeared in front of us a week after my parents were killed by Black.


All of us were in the pack doctor's room as he showed us a bunch of pictures and x-rays he had taken from my brother Alex. The stuff looked really bad and it made my stomach turn, I knew I had scars but not scars that were deep they scared the bone and the doc even said there were signs of sexual abuse.

I cried into Black chest as the doctor told me Alex didn't talk after I had tried unsuccessfully to get my big brother to talk to me. The doctor said there was nothing wrong with Alex's voice or throat but that he sealed his voice up because of something, and judging from how bad he looked it was no wonder what causes it.

Alex just sat there quietly not looking at anything, but I knew he could hear what we were saying. Suddenly there was a bright flash and there stood a man in a dark cloak with magic power coming off him in waver.

"Ahhh there he is, my little toy." Said the man his gaze locking on to Alex "I found him and now I will be taking him back." The man moved toward Alex but Black, Jay, Troy, and Rick all stood in front of him.

"Who are you?" Growled Black in his Alpha voice and all the man did was smile and laugh.

"Why I am the man who made a deal with that creatures father," He pointed at me "At first I wanted that one but then the oldest one attacked me and I decided to take that him instead. After all the old fool of an Alpha owed me for helping takeover that pack." The man suddenly changed taking in Alex's form and I recognized his eyes.

I whimpered and huddled near Ray as those eyes flashed through my mind making unwanted memories come up. Black growled again lunging at the man, but he teleported and now stood near the door.

"I see I won't get my toy back, but be warned I will come for my property again and you will not like it." The man hissed out while looking like my brother before disappearing.

After he left Rick made Alex write out why that man said he belonged to him. Turns out my dad killed the old Alpha of the pack, but he was weak so he ask the wizard for help but the wizard had a price, he wanted a werewolf to have as a pet/slave/plaything and my dad agreed. The wizard never bothered dad about his price until I was almost four, the wizard wanted me as his pet and my dad was willing to agree but Alex stepped saying he would sooner kill our dad than let the wizard take me. In the end my older brother gave up his freedom to the wizard so I could be free, although he didn't count on our dad still abused me and then Ray. He also didn't think the wizard would take his form and abuse me as well. It turns out my big brother really did care about me enough to give up his freedom to protect me from the abuse I would have suffered at the hands of the wizard.

-End Flashback-

I look from my book to look at my two brothers. After we found out Alex was abused Ray and I let go of our hatred of him since he never actually hurt us, the wizard did. Right now I'm watching Alex make little bead bracelets while Ray reads a book. Alex looks completely absorbed with his task that when Ray moves to get a drink Alex jumps making both Ray and I look at him only to see his dull blue eyes wide with fear.

"Alex it's ok, Sage and I won't hurt you." Ray says his voice soothing in an attempt to calm ALex down, and thankfully it works and Alex goes back to making his bracelets.

I'm doing paper work since I figured I should help the pack out since I'm the Luna now. Theres also a bucket near me because for the past few days I've been getting sick suddenly, I have no clue what it means but Black is so freaked out he scheduled me a doctor appointment this afternoon with the pack doctor.

Jay is the room as well looking as calm as ever. I asked Black why I'm not allowed anywhere without Jay or some other guards and Black finally told me why. It turns out my mate has twin brother named Marcus who gave into the killing rage and killed his mate. Marcus also tried to kill Black and failed so he swore he would kill Black's mate which is me so I know have a death threat on me..great. Fen didn't take that amount of news well and it took Black and Jay to keep my pissed wolf from taking over my body.

There's a knock and the door and in walks Rick Alex's mate who's here to pick Alex up for his therapy session with the Pack shrink. Yes the pack has a shrink and the women even tried getting me to have session with her. After Alex picks up his stuff him and Rick leave him a small wave of goodbye. Ray soon has to leave too saying he has to help out Troy with stuff, and no my brother and Troy are not mates Troy just help teach my brother how to help out the pack since some of the packs under my mates control don't have Betas so Troy is training my brother to be another pack's Beta.

I sit in silence for a little while before Black comes in to get me for the doctor appointment, I hope I don't have anything really bad.

We take the elevator to a floor reserved for the doctor and we're usher into a room where the doctors assistant/mate says he'll be with us in a few minutes after he finishes with his other patient. We wait maybe ten minutes before the door open in come the doctor with his salt and pepper gray hair in a mess.

"Ok Alpha and Luna what seems to be wrong?" He ask sitting down in his chair as he faces me and Black

"Sage hasn't been feeling good these last few days. He keeps getting sick for no reason, every morning he's been throwing up, and he is developing weird food tastes." Black answers quickly while the doctor writes it all down.

"Ok and when did these symptoms start?" Ask the doc

"About a week after our mating" I say and the docs face goes a little pale before he stands up and tells Black and I to stay here for a few minutes. Wonder what's got his surprised.

The doc comes in with a weird machine and tells me to get up on the bed on the room. I do as he ask he says he going to lift my shirt up and spread some gel like thing on my stomach. The thing the stupid jerk forgot to mention it that the gel is fucking freezing!

After a few minutes of moving the wand thingy around on my stomach the machine suddenly starts making a thumping sound like a heart and the doc smiles.

"Here's why your mate is ill Alpha, you're both going to parents to what looks like twin pups." He says with a smile and he and I both watch Blacks face pale and then Fen and I both scream in surprise as we watch our mate hit the floor passed out.

Well this a fun way to find out you're expecting....NOT.

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