~Chapter 16~

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As I was stretching my music played throughout the arena. It was my cue to go. I put my belt back on my shoulder and I skipped out to my music. I smiled and I held my title up in the air as I skipped down the ramp. I skipped around the ring and I slid into the ring, I stood on the turnbuckles and I held my title above my head. I gave my title to the producer. I stood in the ring trying to pump myself up for the match. A theme song started playing throughout the arena and Rosa Mendes came out. She came down the ramp just eyeing me down. She came into the ring and the bell rang. I smacked her in the face and she glared at me and I just shoved her. She shoved me back and I backed up a bit acting like i wasnt going to touch her again. I smirked and she came at me and I gave her a clothes line. She fell down and I jumped on her and I started banging her head to the floor. I got off of her and she held her head in pain.

She got up and she jumped on me and she started punching me. She grabbed my hair and she started slamming my head against the ground. The ref pulled her off me and I crawled to the turnbuckle and I struggled to get myself up. As I was getting she ran at me. I got out of the way and she crashed into the steel pole . She stood up holding her face. I ran at her and I gave her a DDT. I went for the pin and she kicked out at two. I groaned and I got up and I picked her up by her head and I gave her a backhand. I smiled as she looked at me in shock. I smiled and she grabbed my arm and she threw me into the ropes. I bounced off the ropes and I jumped on her and gave her a tilt-a-whirl DDT. I went for the pin but she kicked out at two.

I huffed and I picked her up and I threw her into the ropes. She bounced off and I kicked her in the face. She fell back and she got back up instantly and she gave me a few forearm smashes to the face. I pushed her off and I used my strength and I picked her up and gave her a suplex. I held my head and I groaned. I then heard the Shields music play. I looked around confused and pissed as hell. I see them climb over the barricade. Dean and Roman stand on one side cheering me on. Seth was just walking around the ring just staring at me which made me feel uncomfortable. I was then knocked to the ground by Rosa. She stomped on. My stomach and she stomped on my arm. I yelped out in pain as I held my arm. She picked me up and she threw me into the ropes and I bounced off and she kicked me in the face. "Come on AJ!!!" Dean and Roman chanted. I got up and I fell on my knees and Rosa came and she kicked me in the face again and I fell back. I heard Dean and Roman banging on the mats and the crowd cheering. My Vision was very blurry and I Rosa tried to go for the pin but I kicked out at two.

I rolled on my stomach and I got up and I smacked her hard in the face and I kicked her in the stomach. I shoved her and I Irish whipped her into the turn buckle. I ran and gave her a bicycle kick to the jaw. I saw Dean jump in excitement and Seth just walking and glaring at me. I huffed and I grabbed her and have her a drop kick. I climbed up on the top rope and I stood keeping my balance. Then I faced the crowd and I put my hands up in the air and the crowd cheered. Rosa was stumbling to get up and I jumped off and I kneed her in the face. She looked like she was out cold. I went for the pin and she kicked out at two and a half. I say there In shock.

I started banging on the mat in frustration. "AJ keep it together!" Roman called out and I could hear Seth laughing. I glared at him and I leaned over the ropes. "Shut the hell up Seth!!!" He smirked at me and shook his head. Rosa came up behind me and pulled me into a school girls pin. I kicked out just in time and I huffed. "It's not happening again ..." I muttered to myself. Rosa stood and I gave her a drop kick and she fell back. She got up again and I bitched slapped her and gave her another tilt-a-whirl DDT. I was getting frustrated. I looked at Seth who was laughing again and I clenched my fists. Rosa jumped on my back and she put me in a sleeper hold. My vision was getting blurry and I lost my balance a bit. I grabbed one of her arms and I flipped her off me and I still grabbed onto her arm. I shoved her down to the floor and I laid her on her stomach and I crossed her legs and held it tightly together with one arm. I used my other arm and i wrapped it around her head and I bent her body back. She was yelling out in pain and she thrashing her arms around. She was about to tap when I heard my name being called. I look back and it was Seth. It caused me to release the hold a bit and she got out of it. Before I knew it I was picked up an thrown into the steel pole which knocked me out. Rosa went for the pin and I lost the match. I laid there going in and out of consciousness.

I felt my body being dragged out of the ring and going over someone's shoulders. I managed to open my eyes a bit and Dean was holding my title and Roman was carrying me. I saw Seth walk up the ramp. My head just dropped down and I just passed out.

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