Unnecessary Trouble

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1st pov
The window sills gave off a cold chill from the outside winter, but the blankets gave off a comforting heat. It was evening now, and judging by the drop of temperature it's gonna snow soon. My naked body was entangled with Rin's, his mouth was open slightly and he was snoring. I heaved out a silent chuckle and kissed his forehead. My eyes locked with the ceiling. I had sex with Rin. We skipped a whole school day to have sex. Even though I shouldn't really skip, it fixed our bond that Bon almost broke. I turn my face to look at Rin. I felt so proud of him, all the hardship and pain he went through with me and himself, and he's still as strong as ever. I was jealous in a way, I broke down so much since our encounter and he's always been tough. He started stirring and sat up slowly, stretching along the way.
" 'time is it?"
His voice was deep and his words were mixed and choppy. It made me giggle at how cute he always is when he wakes up.
"It's the evening. The sun already set."
"Where's Yukio"
"He hasn't come home. Probably grading papers at school still."
He lazily smiled and brushed his lips against mine. We both cuddled and started falling back asleep until about another 20 minutes later Yukio walked in.
"Ah there you two are. How could you miss a whole day of-"
He stared at us awkwardly. I was confused for a moment until I looked down and remembered we were naked...and my chest was visible...
"Don't look you perv!"
Rin grabbed my chest with both hands and covered them. I pulled the blanket around my body, also trying to cover my deeply reddened face. Rin pulled away and glared at Yukio.
"You two skipped...to do this?"
"Don't be jealous lonely mole face."
Rin rested his cheek on his palm, not even caring that he's naked still.
"You shouldn't be doing something like this on school grounds."
"Technically were in the dorms."
"They're part of the school Rin."
"Relax Mr.Okumura it was just one day."
"One day can screw up your whole education (l/n). I'll have to give you guys a detention or two."
"Being alone in a classroom with (f/n)? Sounds kinky."
He brushed his cheek against my face and cooed. My face went red and I pushed him away.
"I expected this from Rin but not from you. You're one of my best students. I knew he was a bad influence."
"I asked him if we could leave."
Yukio paused for a moment then continued to take off his glasses to wipe them. Rin pulled on some pants and I almost didn't realize.
"I'm having a bit of a fallout with Bon you see...he demanded me to stay away from Rin and I'm tired of everyone telling me to stay away from the one person who helped me open up again."
"So you skipped and...did that..?"
"It kinda just happened. We weren't planning on it."
He looked down for a moment as if  he was debating.
"It was only a one time thing."
"Well as long as it was only once I guess I'll give you just a warning. But no more of...that on school grounds alright?"
"Thank you Mr.Okumura!"
I jumped up and hugged him. I held him close and swayed my body back and forth slightly. I did it out of the blue, completely forgetting I was naked with only a thin bed sheet wrapped around my almost visible chest.
"Yo, (f/n), I know you're grateful and all but don't go giving that pervy loner a peep show. Those are for me only!"
I yelped and let go instantly taking a step back and adjusting the bed sheet over me.
His cheeks flushed pink for a moment and he turned to pull out some paperwork, as if it didn't happen.
"It's alright. Just put some clothes on.."
I go to grab my school clothes and Rin grabs my wrist.
"Don't wear those. That's school uniform."
"I didn't bring an extra set of clothes..."
"Wear this."
He threw me a t-shirt and his sweat pants.
I stumbled putting them on without the bed sheet coming off my body. His sweats were baggy and barely fit me and his shirt was a comfy baggy type of fit. We went to the kitchen and started whipping up some dinner for the three of us. Rin always tried to play with me and got off task so I went to look for kuro. Yukio was silent, looking deep into his papers, sunk into his seat.
"You're always working Mr. Okumura. Maybe Rin's right. Go on a date or something." I lean against his desk and stare at him. He smiles gently and almost looked like Rin.
"My work is my top priority. If I started dating. She wouldn't be to pleased watching me work."
"I guess you have a point but at least take a break or something."
"Winter break is coming up and I was gonna invite the class over for a holiday party."
"Does Rin know?"
"Of course not. Otherwise he wouldn't allow it."
"Why's that?"
"Because he won't let me invite Suguro."
My eyes widen at his comment. He took note of it.
"I know it was between Rin and him. Suguro doesn't necessarily hide his feelings for you and he confirmed it for me when he walked in late, bloody-mouthed and pissed off, and when I asked where you to were."
"I don't hate him. I just wish he'd give up on me. I want him and Rin in my life and they make it so damn difficult when they fight all the time."
"Well when a guy wants something badly, he doesn't rest until he achieves it. Like Rin overcoming his own power."
I sighed. I hated that and he noticed.
"Talk to him at the party. He's a nice guy and you know that better than I do. I'm sure he'll come around."
He patted my arm to reassure me. I smiled at him faintly and Rin came in balancing plates on his arms and head.
"Food's here!"
Yukio gasped and ran over to take the almost toppling plates off Rin's head and upper arms.
"Rin you dunce you're gonna make a mess!"
I laughed at the two brothers. Being around them made me so happy. I wanted to be around them forever. Yukio was finally warming up to me and I felt better about everything. I walk up to help the clumsy guys and we enjoy a meal together as a friend-family sort of way.

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