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It was 7 in the morning. The sun was brightly shining through the window, illuminating the room. Birds were singing and the streets hummed with voices. I was up and awake while Rin was fast asleep still. He held onto me so tight I couldn't move. I was rubbing his head and held him in an embrace. Kuro was sleeping beside our heads purring softly.
He slid up clumsily and grazed his lips against mine.
"G'morning babe."
He smiled and laid back down on my chest, Cuddling me closer.
"I'm gonna protect you always. You're amazing in every way."
He was half asleep and I knew this because he probably wouldn't admit this fully awake. It made me feel happy and warm. He truly does care about me. I kissed his head and held him so close and gently as if he was a newborn baby. He fell back asleep instantly. Snoring and drooling on my chest. Sure it felt gross but it was too cute for me to wake him up.
Suddenly I heard footsteps break the peaceful silence and came up to the door. It creaked open and Yukio walked in. The first thing he glimpsed at was me wrapped in Rin's arms in his bed. This isn't awkward at all...
"Why are you in our dorm?"
He looked down at me with misty glasses from the morning dew.
"Rin invited me here last night. B-but nothing happened if that's what you're thinking!"
I rambled on trying to explain what happened but he stopped me almost instantly.
"It's okay I believe you. You shouldn't be in here you know."
Rin's tail twitched and he woke up with a stir. He rubbed his eyes like a kid and his hair was messy. Nothing is cuter than a guy when he wakes up. It was something I want to wake up to, something I wouldn't get tired of seeing.
"Mmm (f/n)? Who are you talking to?"
He turned to look at Yukio and turned his head the other way still laying on me.
"Why is buzzkill moleface here?"
"I live here?"
"You couldn't stay out a little longer?"
"Why did you bring her to our dorm to sleep here?"
"Because it was late and freezing out I wasn't about to let her walk home and get a cold."
"I didn't think you'd ever come to be such a good boyfriend Rin."
Yukio chuckled lightly and scratched his cheek.
"Shut up you piece of crap. Anyone would've done the same!"
He shook his head and turned to his desk finishing his argument with Rin.
"I should probably get going anyways."
I tried sitting up and Rin pushed me back down.
"Noo. Mole face you're scaring her."
He pouted his lips and hugged me tighter.
"Rin you have chores and homework to do anyways."
"Thats all you think about. No wonder you're single."
I giggle at Rin and Yukio arguing. They sure act like brothers. I get up, peeling Rins arms off me and slip on my coat.
"I'm sorry for keeping Rin, Yukio. I gotta go home anyways. I'll see you later Rin."
I slipped on my shoes and waved good bye.
"What the hell Yukio?! Why do you gotta ruin everything?"
"You forget that I also live here."
"Yeah but I was comfortable and happy when she was here and not my naggy brother."


  I was walking home and it was cloudy and the wind blew leaves across the streets and through the air. I decided to take a shortcut and go through the woods. I couldn't stop thinking of Rin and everyone in my life. I was so content with it the way it is. Everyone's so caring and kind to me when all I've done was stay quiet. The tree tops hugged one another while leaves drifted down to the earths ground. As I turned I bumped into someone. He had green hair with a point on top, dark circles under his eyes, pointed ears and a tail like Rin's.
"Oh excuse me. Completely my fault I didn't see where I was going."
He turned and stared with a blank face.
"Who're you?"
"I'm from true cross. I was just heading home."
"From where?"
"My boyfriend's, Rin."
"Rin okumura?"
"'d you know?"
He stood quiet and simply smiled.

Back at Rins

He bolted up feeling his blood run cold. Yukio turned to rin with concern written in his face.
"Rin, what is it?"
"It's (f/n). Shes in trouble."
"How do you know?"
"Instincts. We gotta go. Call everyone to come help."
Rin bolted out the door before Yukio could say anything. Rin ran through the cold as fast as he could. He sniffed for her scent and followed it into the woods. He ran into Bon, Shima, Nemu, Konekomaru, Kamiki, shura and Yukio. Bon scrunched his face and glared at Rin.
"Okumura where's (f/n)?!"
"I don't know!"
"Well shouldn't you know?"
Shura scolded them.
"There's no time to argue!"
She suddenly stopped as if she sensed something.
"Start drawing a magic circle, now!"
Everyone but Rin started drawing the circle. Rin frantically sniffed the air searching for her scent.
"There's a demon nearby. Nobody leaves this circle!"
"What good will that do!?! She's not in it!"
"We don't need more people in danger! There's a high level demon nearby!"
Everyone stood silent in fear and nervousness.
"I don't care! I need to find her!!!"
"You don't have to find her she's right here~"
Everyone turned to see the green haired demon on top of the trees, holding you up on his shoulder.
"She's safe with me and going to stay with me."
"Over my dead body dammit!"
Rin ran out of the circle towards Amaimon when his demon pet came lunging towards Rin. He couldn't fight it. He couldn't wield his sword. Not in front of everyone. How was he gonna get you back?

Loving the Beast (Rin x Reader) (Lemon)Where stories live. Discover now