The war

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3rd pov

Another day at True Cross. You were studying hard but you were also pretty bored. It was lunch and this time you sat with bon and his friends. They were talking about the festival and you were reading away at your book. After you finished a page you felt a tap on your shoulder. Who else would it be but Rin.

1st pov

"Here's your lunch that I promised."
I take the bento box and nod my head.
"Thank you Rin."
He sits next to me and starts eating his favorite lunch, Sukiyaki.
"When did you and this dumbass become friends (f/n)?"
Bon shot a glare at Rin which was reflected back at him.
"He made me lunch and in return I helped him study thats all."
"Rin doesn't deserve your kindness. He'll probably just take it for granted anyways."
"You picking a fight you jerk? I'll take you down right here right now!"
Rin steps up and puts a hand on his sword. I remember what he said and grabbed his shirt.
He stops and stares at me.
"Don''s okay guys. He's with me."
Bon looks the other way and looks pretty pissed. Bon was like my older brother and I looked up to him a lot. We did grow up together but everytime We'd get close I'd push him away and cut him off for a while. I hated being close friends with anybody.
Rin sits down and goes back to eating and everyone went back to their festival conversation.
After we finished eating we headed back to class together. Bon sat next to me and Rin sat at the desk next to us looking irritated.
"Okay class for our next assignment you will need a partner."
Oh shit... I already knew what was gonna happen...I already felt them both staring me down.
"(F/n) we're gonna be partners right?"
"No she's my partner!"
Rin slammed up from his seat and stared at me. Both of them started giving eachother death glares that could probably kill whoever stood between them.
"Uh guys I was gonna partner with Shiemi.."
"Sorry (f/n) I'm partners with Kamiki."
"We have an odd number of students so you guys can be a group of 3."
Even shittier.
It was a long and hard process and I was itching for class to be over. I felt glares peeking over my shoulder every so often and it was a lot of pressure.
After what almost seemed like hours the class finally ended and I bolted up and left.
  I marched on and felt Rin following behind. I stopped in place and didn't even turn to look at him.
"Rin what are you doing?"
"I was gonna ask you to help me study again."
"This can't be an everyday thing Rin. We aren't friends."
He hops over and stands in front of me.
"Then what am I to you?"
"Rin it's been two days. Not only that but I don't get close with people. I don't have friends."
"Well that's stupid. You can't hide yourself away from everyone. Friends are important. To everyone."
"Not to me! Getting attached means getting hurt and that means more bad memories."
I tried shoving him away and walking forward but my arm was gripped tightly.
"Rin let me go that hurts!"
He pulled me into an embrace. I was speechless and shocked. I've never felt so much compassion and care in a hug before.
"I don't know if you guard yourself up because of a bad past or what but having friends is better than being alone, even if you have the risk of losing them. I consider you my friend and a close one. I'm sticking by you no matter what."
All these thoughts flooded my head. All these emotions. All I could do was hug him back. Holy shit did I hug back hard. I needed it. He was right. Even though it's safer being alone I was lonely. I cried and I was mad at myself for letting him see me cry. I was a big baby in that moment. He comforted me and once I got ahold of myself we started walking back to his dorm, so I can help him study and he can make my lunch.
It was almost the same as yesterday. I cuddled his cat I helped him study and we started wrestling again. This time we landed on his bed side by side with our feet dangling off.
"Rin, you say you want to be an exorcist to defeat satan, but why'd that start all of the sudden?"
His face went from happy to sad in a flash. He sat up and sighed.
"I haven't really talked about it to anyone before."
He rubbed the back of his neck and turned to face me. His eyes were so bright and blue and full of sadness. He told me about how he never met his mom and what happened to his old man, Shiro Fujimoto, and how he did great things and was loved by many. I felt special in a way, that'd he opened up to me like this. To think the only father he really knew died before him and it was all to save him and Yukio.
"I know how you feel about feeling alone, that's why I couldn't allow you to be. When my old man died I felt lost, but I'm here now with my brother and I have friends and kuro and you."
I hugged Rin and twisted my fingers through his blue hair. He deep down felt just as lonely as me. He hugged me back and I felt him smile. Maybe it wasn't too bad to have friends. Looking back I feel bad for pushing away Bon and Shiemi and Konekomaru. I didn't want to do it anymore.

~~The next day at lunch~~

I sat by everybody today. I talked more and I was more social. It felt a lot better to be open and see all these people happy because I'm talking. Rin passed me my lunch and started eating away at his.
"So (f/n), who are you going to the festival with?"
Bon spoke up and Everyone looked in my direction.
"Are you going with him?"
Everyone turns their gaze at Rin, even me. His face was stuffed with food and he had a confused look.
"I wanted to go with everyone."
"Yeah, but who are you going on the Ferris wheel with? It's only a two seater."
I felt an arm around me before I could protest.
"We can go together (f/n), and we can hold hands and cuddle and-" he was cut off by an arm grabbing him and pulling him back. It was a jealous Rin. He held me to his chest with one arm and used the other to push Shima away.
"She's going with me. We already talked about it."
"...we did?"
I felt my face get hot. This is embarrassing, people are gonna get the wrong idea. I try yanking myself off but Rin's grip was so tight I couldn't budge.
"Uh Rin can you let me go please?"
His face got red and he pulled away quick.
Everyone just stared.
"It's j-just as friends!!"
I panicked.

~~After school~~

"Rin am I going to your house again today?"
"Hell ye-"
"No me and him have work to do today."
Yukio interrupted Rin before he even finished.
"Why do I have to go?"
Rin argued.
"You have to. Teachers orders. Sorry (f/n)."
"It's alright Mr. Okumura. No worries."
I smile to reassure them.
As they walked away Bon came up towards me.
"I'll walk you home (f/n)."
Rin turned and gave him an evil glance as Yukio dragged him away.
Me and Bon started walking and it was quiet for a minute.
"What do you see in Okumura?"
That was instant and random of him (.-.)
"Me and Rin are just friends."
"You never considered having friends until he came along."
"He changed my mind."
"How did he but me and Konekomaru and all of us couldn't?"
"Bon, you and Rin need to stop fighting. Especially over me. You guys are both equally important to me. You need to realize both of you will be in my life."
He sighs and rubs my head.
"Just looking out for you kiddo."
"I'm glad I have you Bocchan."
I smiled and hugged him to make sure he knew I did. He hugged me back with no hesitation. I waved goodbye and went up to my dorm. I threw my bag down and flew on my bed. I heaved out a big sigh and wrap myself in covers to nap.

A/n: I hope you guys like this as much as i do! It's so fun to type up and write just for you guys <3

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