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"Keep your voice down, Harry!"

"I shouldn't have to! If I want to stay here, I can!"

"Too bad you don't have a choice in the matter, Potter."

"Both of you, shut it and be respectful!"

Not being able to take the noise any longer, I open my eyes groggily, and it takes a few moments for me to completely see straight. Just as I had suspected, Hermione, Harry and professor Snape are all standing around me. Evidently too busy arguing to actually notice that the subject of the matter has awoken.

"All of you blockheads shut it," I manage, and my throat burns from the lack of water. How long could I have been out for that to happen?

"Lanae! You're awake," Harry breathes, relief washing over his features. Hermione smiles happily and immediately begins talking about all I had missed, though I soon zone her out. Professor Snape stands off to the corner slightly, but I can tell he is watching us intently.

"It's been nearly a week, we were getting really worried," Harry says after a moment. "But on the bright side, Madame Pomfrey said you can leave as soon as you are awake."

As happy I am to see my boyfriend and best friend, they are exactly the last people I want to see. Though I am not exactly sure why, I just want to speak to one person in particular. He however, doesn't seem to jump in on the commotion at all.

"Could you guys leave for a minute? I want to talk to professor Snape about... all I missed." Hermione nods acceptingly, though Harry's shoulders slump slightly and I feel a twinge of guilt. I haven't even asked him how he's been doing since the game, despite my only being awake for five minutes. Nonetheless, they both listen and scurry out of the Hospital Wing.

"Yes, Miss Jones?" He asks lowly.

"What happened?"

"Well, Mr. Potter was attacked by a dementor. They unleashed themselves onto the grounds. A few other students got the experience, but not as harshly as you had it. Your screaming was so loud, all of Hogwarts must have heard it. Then, Dumbledore swore the dementor off and you fainted," I nod my head along with his recount, cringing slightly at people hearing my screaming. No doubt Draco will be using that to his advantage.

"Sir, why is it I have such a bad encounter with them? I'm worse than Harry and he's the one with all of the past issues and memories."

"It doesn't always depend on how many bad memories you have, but the strength of them. Potter has had a lifetime of bad experiences, but seeing as he was an infant for most of the intense ones, he can't remember the actual emotion during that time. You however, do not have nearly as many bad memories as he does. While you have less than he, the strength of yours is more prominent, making you more susceptible to the dementor's cravings."

I try to keep up with Snape's explanation, and I soon find myself reliving the encounters. It's obvious that the memory I have back when I found out I was a witch is daunting and powerful, but powerful enough to attract the dementors with such a magnitude? I'm not so sure that's a good thing.

"Well, since it is Wednesday, I guess I missed the Legilimency lesson, didn't I?"

"Yes you did. We can simply start next Saturday if you wish. Or you can tell me this memory now and that will save us all time. However, now we are adding a Patronous charm to the lesson. Professor Lupin will be teaching Potter, but seeing as you already have outside lessons, I will be teaching you." His eyebrow rises nonchalantly at the proposal, and I gulp in expectancy. Headmaster Dumbledore is the only one that knows. Do I really need to add my head of house to that?  The man who becomes piqued at any little thing in life, and distastes everyone at this school?

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