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"Lanae!" Immediately dropping all of my luggage from the familiar voice, I whip my head around opposite where I was standing.

"Harry!" I shout, pushing people out of the way while running at him. Not slowing down in enough time, I end up crashing into his spread out arms, causing him to laugh. We hug for as long as possible, before I lean back enough to kiss his cheek, which causes him to smile widely. "C'mon, let's go find Ron and Hermione."

He entwines his hand in mine, before pushing past people onto the Hogwarts Express. As we walk down the never ending hallway, trying to find our friends, Harry turns his head over to me.

"So, how was your summer?"

"Oh it was amazing, Harry! I didn't realize how much I missed the ranch until I got there, and I actually got to teach an archery class myself! Turns out that teaching is much more difficult then simply doing. Anyways, Star-struck ended up giving birth to two baby horses, and I named one after you." At the last remark, Harry blushes a furious red and smiles over at me. "What about you?"

"Well... I blew up my Aunt." He scratches the back of his head awkwardly, and I burst out into a fit of giggles.

"I'm sorry, you did what?"

"She was a horrible woman, you'd understand if you were there."

"I'm just happy you finally stood up to at least one of those Dursely's. I was waiting for the day it would happen."

At that moment, a head full of fiery red hair pokes out of a room on the train, and all of our faces light up in happiness. Quickly rushing over, Harry engulfs Ron into a hug, while I scoot aside over to Hermione, sitting across from a man who appears to be sleeping under his cloak. She looks up from her book and smiles brightly.

"Oh Lanae, it's so good to see you again!" We embrace in a quick hug before breaking apart so all four of us can talk.

Ron shares an enthralling story of de-gnoming a garden, and Hermione talks about her parents' dentistry. Harry remains mostly quiet, so when the trolley comes by, I quickly pick out a chocolate frog for him. Tossing it in his direction, and kicking up my boots next to him on the seat, he smiles in gratitude. After that, he becomes full of joy and all of us talk aimlessly about the upcoming year.

The train ride goes on for several more hours, and I eventually leave the compartment to go search for Fred and George. Those two were how I originally met Ron, and while I hardly ever talk to them, joining in on the occasional prank makes up for it. Their compartment is just a few feet away from me, evident from the sounds of laughter and fireworks, when Draco's head comes out of nowhere.

"Long time no see, Jones," He smirks and I roll my eyes. "Spend your summer in cow manure?"

"Why, yes Malfoy. Someone puts all that shit down for better uses. Like, to hide in the entrée for the high and mighty. Examine your dinner careful tonight." I wink and push myself by, into the presence of two smirking twins.

"Ah, we know that sassiness anywhere." They chime simultaneously, pushing me into their room.

"So, we produced several new pranks this summer," Fred exclaims, pulling me onto his lap to mess with my hair. "Care to see a few?"

Just as I am about to open my mouth in an eager response, the train screeches to a halt, and all of the lights flicker out. I'm thrown forward on the impact, and Fred instantly moves his hands from my hair to my waist. Kids around us poke their heads out in curiosity, while George illuminates his wand so we can see one another.

"I wondered what happened," He mused. The question is quickly answered though, as an arctic chill hits us all. I wrap the jacket tightly around myself, which provides virtually no help. Turning my head, I witness the window being frosted over in an arctic cold sheet of ice.

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