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The morning after my surgery, I woke up to two IVs in my arms. I was sore as hell, and the bed sheets were covering my stitches. Jenna was asleep in the rocking chair, cell phone dead in her hand like usual. I went to look for my own phone, but wasn't sure where it went. Not wanting to wake Jenna up, I decided to just let it go for now.

Instead of bothering Jenna for my phone, I stared down at the IVs in my arms. There was one IV in my left forearm. It was taped down securely and had the time and the date written on it. The other IV on my right hand was pumping liquids through my veins. It had a tag attached to the wires that simply said "liquids" on it. I wasn't really sure why, but the one in my right hand was bothering me. Then again, anything unusual stuck in someone's veins would bother them.

I heard Jenna waking up a minute after I was done checking my IV lines. She smiled to me as she got up and sat down on my bedside, trying not to disturb the way I was laying too much.

"How are you doing?" She asked me as she brushed some hair out of my face.

I shrugged. I wasn't really sure. The obvious answer was that I felt beat up and bruised, but I never liked giving those answers. I knew she didn't mean to ask the question in that type of way, so I just told her I was tired.

"The surgery was a complete success," Jenna said with a giant grin. "And you're gonna be fine. Not that you weren't going to be fine in the first place, but... you know what I mean, right?"

I laughed as I nodded my head.

"Good. I'm gonna get some food. Want anything?"

I shook my head and told her no thank you. The anesthesia tube had my throat killing me, and my stomach was empty to begin with. She told me she'd bring me some soup anyway and that we could always reheat it later. I thanked her before she left the room then was left alone.

My main concern was to get onto the phone with Sal to call him to tell him that I was okay. He was probably a nervous wreck, especially since the last time him and I spoke was almost twenty-four hours ago. At the same time, I knew he would understand that I'd be in some pain from the major operation. I decided just to let it go and closed my eyes again to get some more rest.


The next thing I woke up to was Jenna with the soup. She had poured it into a small cup for me and was setting it down on my hospital table for me. I was about to thank her when someone knocked on my room door and entered.


Jenna helped me raise my bed up a little bit, but not too much where I felt uncomfortable. She looked over at the woman who had entered.

"She's Michelle," Jenna said as she pointed to me.

The woman smiled down to me warmly. "I'm Jasmine, and I'm the floor doctor. I'm happy to say that your surgery went well. Nothing went wrong, and you're recovering really well. I do want to run some blood tests, but that won't be until tomorrow morning. That's just to be sure that the medications I've started you on are all working and that there's no rejection towards your new kidney."

I smiled up to Jasmine and nodded my head slightly. I wanted to ask her if I could get something for my sore throat from that stupid anesthesia tube being in my throat for so damn long, but nothing came out. I looked over at Jenna for help. Jenna could always tell if something was wrong. Jenna looked down at me when I wiggled my fingers around for her attention.

"What is it?" Jenna asked me as she took my hand gently. She knew the IV was in my hand, so she was more than careful about it.

I pointed to my throat as I yawned. The yawn even hurt me slightly. My whole body ached because of the stupid surgery.

"Michelle's throat is sore," Jenna told Jasmine.

"We'll get your nurse to get you some Advil for that," Jasmine reassured Jenna and I.

Jenna thanked Jasmine as she walked out. I was tired, and yet I didn't want to sleep again. Just lying there was boring to me. Something had to occupy my time, or else I felt like I was going insane.

"Can I call Sal?" I weakly asked Jenna after a moment.

Jenna looked over at me and smiled as she got her phone out of her pocket. "I was just about to ask you if you wanted to call him," she giggled as she handed me her phone. "He called so many times when you were in surgery yesterday. The poor guy was so worried about you. He loves you very much, you know."

I smiled when she said that. Of course I knew that he cared for me and loved me, but it kinda hit me how much he cared for me and loved me when she told me about his constant worrying the whole time I was in surgery. I knew he couldn't be there for the surgery day, so I couldn't be mad at him.

Sal picked up the video call and was smiling wide when he saw me.

"Oh my god, baby, are you okay?" He asked me.

I laughed as I nodded to reassure him that I was perfectly fine.

"The floor doctor told her that her surgery went perfectly," Jenna called out before coming over to my bedside. "And her recovery is going pretty well also. Michelle has a sore throat right now, so don't be surprised if she doesn't say much."

Sal smiled as he looked at me. "Well, I'm glad things went well," he told me with a giant grin. "And, I was gonna surprise you, but...I'm coming home tonight."

Jenna nearly spit out her soup when he said that. "What?!"

Sal nodded as he chuckled at her reaction. "I'm coming home early," he said eagerly. "But I have another surprise for you, Mickey. I can't tell you just yet, because I don't want to spoil the surprise for you. Jenna, don't you spoil the surprise for her either."

Jenna tried her best to remember it and widened her eyes when she remembered what he told her the other day.

"You mean-?"

"Shut up!" Sal yelled quickly. "That. But keep quiet. I'll be home tonight, but I'm not coming over to visit until tomorrow morning after breakfast." Sal turned his attention back on me and smiled. "I love you, Mickey. Stay well, alright? See you in less than twenty-four hours. Can you speak at all?"

I nodded as I smiled. "Have a safe trip, baby," I told him with a smile before ending the call.

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