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When I woke up the next morning, Sal had already left the bed. I could hear him in the shower, talking to himself about what things had to be done and in which order he would do them in. Typical Sal. It was cute though, and something I missed when he was away on tour with the other guys.

I stayed in bed a little bit, in hopes he would come out and we could maybe enjoy some time in bed before we had to start off the day fully. I thought for a minute on what a guy would love to see as soon as he walks out of the shower.. a puppy? Eh, not really. A new car? Maybe, I guess. A clean house? Well, for Sal, yes. His girl in either some sexy lingerie or naked and waiting for him to have a little fun? Definitely.

I could hear that he was almost done, so I had to think quick. I ran out of bed and grabbed the first outfit I could find that he would enjoy. I knew he liked the purple one piece with lace around the breasts, so I went with that one. Running into my closet, I could hear the shower water handle turning off, so I knew he was at least beginning to get out. I had to change quickly now. I struggled to pull off my booty shorts and his large tee shirt, since my hair was stuck on one of the buttons. I fumbled with it, but it just wouldn't get out. When I heard the door silently squeak open, I knew he would be coming out and laugh at me. Last minute, I crawled under the covers to at least be able to try to fix it on my own, so I could at least give him a somewhat naked girlfriend to wake up to.


Whoops, too late..

"The hell are you doing?"

When I peeked out of the blankets, I knew he could already tell that my hair was caught since one of the sleeves was half way out from under the blankets.

"Well, Mr. Vulcano, I was trying to be sexy for you, but uh.. it didn't work out too well.."

Sal just stood there in complete confusion, unsure of what to say or do. After a minute a little smile appeared on his face as he came over to me and helped get the button out of my hair. He sat on the side of the bed with me in his lap as he brushed my hair out, making sure he didn't hurt me at all. Every time I would whimper or shut my eyes real tight, he would stop and ask if I was okay, which I found so so adorable. I would reassure him that yes, I was fine, and it was just the giant knot the button had created that was hurting me. After a good ten minutes, the knot was finally out and I was free from his shirt completely.

"I still don't understand what the hell you were trying to accomplish," Sal said, getting up and throwing on a plain white tee shirt for the day.

I sighed when I saw him get dressed. "I was trying to keep you in bed for just a little bit longer this morning," I confessed to him, a frown on my face clearly showing as I watched him dress.

"We have so much to do today," Sal said, pulling up his black jeans. "Like book appointments for you to get ready for this giant surgery you're having. I'll have to make sure those are days I'm not on tour, then-"

I looked up at him strange when he said that. "Days you're not on tour?"

"Or filming."

I was sort of shocked as to what he said because of what he had said the night before about taking off for me. "I thought you would take off just to be with me."

Sal turned to me as he put his glasses on. "Mickey, I can't. You know how hard it is for us to pay bills now and days. I mean, who knows how much a trip just to see your doctors even costs?"

I got up and was finally able to pull the booty shorts off. "My insurance covers some of it," I told him as I went to get one of my bras. "It's not like we're paying out of pocket. Don't worry, you can stay with me at the hospital during the surgery like you said you would."

Sal turned to me and shook his head. "No, I have to make sure we have enough to pay for all this. Insurance or not, it still will be a lot of money to deal with."

By this time, I was pissed off. "Well sorry I'm expensive," I mumbled under my breath, pulling my panties up. I slid my black ripped skinny jeans on me and left the room, slamming the door shut behind me.

As I walked down the stairs, I can hear him open the door up again of his bedroom to try to follow me into the kitchen. I was too pissed off to turn around, so I just kept walking.

"Michelle, come on. Stop this. That's not what I meant, I'm sorry. It came out wrong."

I simply ignored him and kept walking until I was in the kitchen. I got myself out a bowl for some cereal, a spoon, and the milk, but the cereal was on the top shelf where I couldn't reach. Sal liked being taller than me because I would always have to ask him to get things for me. I knew he didn't mind getting me things I couldn't reach, but I didn't want to bother him right now. In fact, I didn't even want him to know that I wanted cereal.

"Need the Cheerios?" I heard a voice ask me. I turned to see Sal standing there in the door frame, but I turned my attention towards the fridge. That's fine; I didn't need to have cereal today.

"Excuse me, but I'm late for work," I said, pushing him out of the way.

I knew Sal was glaring at me for pushing him, but I couldn't help him. He was bothering me, he wasn't making any sense, and he was just being a stupid guy. I simply grabbed myself an apple from out of the basket of fruits we had on the counter and walked off into the living room.

I didn't hear anything out of him for a while. I had the morning news on loud, hoping he would know how angry I was at him. I could hear rattling in the kitchen; eating utensils, pots and pans that would be needed later on for when I would make supper for us, and other things. After a moment, though, I heard nothing.


No response.


Still nothing.

"Salvatore Vulcano," I yelled out, getting off my ass to look over the couch seat.

I could see that he was no longer in the kitchen. The whole place was quiet, and it gave me a chills. I picked myself up and brought the apple core into the kitchen to throw out when I found a little sticky note on the counter.

I'm sorry. I love you. I'll call you when I get to work. -Sal

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