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The morning after the horrible fight with Sal, I was told that I was scheduled for the kidney transplant on Monday. It was Friday morning when I received this news, so I only had a few days to prep. Sal was still asleep, which was slightly a good thing since I didn't know at all how to tell him. I knew he would find out eventually, if not from me, from the nurses or my doctor. Because I didn't want him to find out that way, I decided that I would tell him as soon as he woke up. 

While he slept, I decided to text Joe about what was going on. I knew he was constantly updated by Sal and my tweets, but I haven't personally spoken with him in a few days, so I thought a little catch up would be nice.

Me: Hey, Joe. Hope you're doing well. I'm doing fine. Just found out that Friday I'll be having the transplant. Just wanted to let you know. Sal's asleep.

While I waited for Joe's reply, I decided to eat the breakfast meal that was already brought out to me. I found it strange how early the breakfast meal was delivered, but had no problem with it since I was hungry. I took the lid off the plate and stared at it.

One single blueberry muffin.

This definitely wasn't enough to satisfy a hungry girl, but until Sal was awake, it would do. I put the television on low and checked my phone while I ate my breakfast.

Joe: Morning! Great to hear. You'll do fine, don't worry! Have Sal call me when he wakes up. Have something to tell him about the tour.

I was curious about what it was, but didn't bother to get in the middle of it. It was probably just something about how the bus needed to be wiped down before Sal got on because of him and his huge dislike of germs. Nothing that I would have to get involved in. Besides, I had bigger issues to think about, like how I would tell Sal about the surgery being on the day he had to leave for his tour.

While I continued eating, Sal was just waking up. I saw him out of the corner of my eye trying to keep as quiet as he could, so I decided to startle him for fun.

"Good morning, sleepy head," I giggled without looking at him.

Sal jumped and dropped his shirt on the floor. "Fuck, Micki, you startled me," Sal said as he went to pick it up again. "I see someone got up early. How are you today, darling?"

"Doing fine," I said with a smile. "I see you had a nice long sleep."

Sal just grinned happily as he made his way to the bathroom. "I'll be right out," he called out as he shut the door behind him.

Since I wasn't expecting any kind of visits from any doctors anytime soon, I thought I would check Twitter to see what was going on in the world of tweets. There was a lot of talk about the next season of Impractical Jokers coming back, and of course, how excited everyone was. One of my best friends messaged me on Twitter a link to a cute puppy Vine, but I just ignored it for now since I wanted to finish my food.

As I closed my laptop again, Sal came out of the bathroom and yawned. "So, any news on the transplant or anything yet?"

I knew I would have to face the music eventually, so I guess now was the time.

"Sal..." I began quietly. "I don't know how to tell you this, but...I'm having the transplant on Monday morning."

Sal looked up from buttoning his shirt and to me. "What?"

"A nurse came in this morning when you were still asleep and told me the news," I explained to him. "There's a donor, and everything will be ready for Monday. They can't move it to any other day, and it can't wait any longer."

"But I'll be leaving on Monday," Sal shouted. "I can't be leaving you like that. How the hell am I going to know what's going on at every moment of the day when you're having the surgery??"

"Sal, calm down." I sighed as I patted the spot next to me on the bed. After he came over and sat down next to me, I kissed his cheek and rested my head on his shoulder.

"They can't push it out any further...?" Sal asked me, sadly already knowing the answer.

"I'm sorry, but no."

Before I could say anything else, Sal pulled me into his embrace and kissed the top of my head. He took a deep breath in before letting it out. I looked up at him, knowing that he was trying to calm himself down.

"I can't control when it happens," I told him when he released me from his hold. "I wish I could make it so that way you're around when it happens. Trust me, babe, I want you to be by my side as much as you want to be by my side, but I can't control when it's done or if it can be delayed another day or not."

"I understand," Sal said calmly. "I know, I know. I just...I just wanted to be the first one you saw when you came out of the surgery."

I placed my hand on his back and rubbed his back gently. "You will be," I said after a moment.

Sal looked confused as ever, but I had a way to make it work.

"We're going to Skype as soon as I get out of surgery," I told him. "So that way you are the first person I see when I come out of the surgery."

It took Sal a moment to understand what I was saying before a small smile appeared on his face. "Alright, babe. We'll Skype when you come out of surgery. And you'll be damn sure that I'll be the first one you see when you get out from getting your operation done."


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