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While I was out for surgery, Sal worried about me the entire flight out to California. He had no idea what to expect, what was going on, but most importantly, how I was doing. He kept checking his phone for a text or a call from me, but nothing came.

It's not that I was just ignoring him or letting him wonder on purpose. I wasn't that type of girlfriend, and I never wished to be that way. It's simply that the surgery took eight hours. I'm sure that wasn't what anyone was expecting.

Sal made Jenna text him hourly updates and freaked out on her if he was any later than that. She would get mad at him, especially since the main reason why she wouldn't text him was because she was busy talking to someone or was in the bathroom.

While Sal was busy worrying, the surgeon and nurses were hard at work with the surgery. They murmured stuff to each other and the surgeon would yell at the nurses. It was truly hellish in that operating room. The nurses were sweating, but definitely not as much as the surgeon was. He was the one who had to focus the most on what he was doing.

Just after noon time was when Sal couldn't take it and he called Jenna again. She just rolled her eyes and told him to relax. She told him that he was being way too ridiculous for her to handle. Sal attempted to defend himself for over thinking, but Jenna kept cutting him off and interrupting him by telling him he was acting like a dope.

During the last hour of surgery, Jenna received another video call from Sal. He told her that he had to go do a show, but he would be back in an hour. He asked her if there were any updates she had to tell him. I guess he wasn't as nervous when he called her that time because he had a show to do. Jenna told him that I was expected out of surgery in an hour, which Sal was more than happy to hear about.

Jenna watched Twitter videos of the show from Murray who was live streaming it. She was so happy about the intro of the show when he asked all of their fans to please keep me in their thoughts and prayers until the surgery was over. Jenna thought that was really caring and sweet of him to do.

I was brought out of surgery an hour later like the nurse told Jenna, but the anesthesia had me knocked out. Jenna video called Sal just as promised and smiled into the camera as Sal watched me sleep. Sal was nearly in tears when he saw that I made it and had survived my kidney transplant.

Before Sal hung up the video chat with Jenna, he asked her for one favor. When she nodded her head and promised him that she would do that one favor, Sal took a deep breath as he looked into the camera and asked her to make sure I was asleep. When she was sure I was still out, Sal took a deep breath with a smile.

"I'm going to propose to her when I get home."

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