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I couldn't believe was I was hearing. I was going home finally. I've only been in there for two days, but it still felt like forever. I wanted to jump around with Sal, but I knew I couldn't due to the damn IV.

"What about the IV?" Q asked, putting his phone down. "When will that get to come out."

"Challenge," Murr yelled loudly. "WE have to take the IV out of her ourselves!"

"You guys are NOT touching my arm," I yelled quickly, shielding my hand over my other hand. "Not unless you have some kind of proof that you're a professional IV person!"

Sal began laughing again when I said that. "We won't hurt you," he promised, kissing my hand. "Promise. Alright? We'll have a professional take it out for you."

Doctor Callen smiled at me and nodded. "It won't happen until the discharge papers have arrived, which should begin happening soon. I'll have the nurse begin to write it up as soon as I leave. Any questions?"

I shook my head and took Sal's hand with a giant smile. I knew Sal was just as happy for me by the way he held and stroked my hand. When he was happy, he would stroke my hand softly and play with my fingers. It felt pretty nice, if you asked me.

As Doctor Callen left, Murr came over to my bedside and gave me a giant hug. He pulled away after a minute and took my IV hand.

"Holy shit, man, it looks like they really bruised you up," he commented, not meaning to sound rude.

"I know," I said as I winced slightly. "Please don't touch it too much. I know it's coming out in a little bit, but until it does, it hurts like a motherf-"

"Joe isn't coming," Q announced, reading through his phone. "But that's okay since you're being discharged anyway, right?"

I wanted Joe to come because he always knew how to cheer me up when I was down, but I didn't mind. I could just go on set with the Jokers the next time they filmed. Joe was also like my older brother since he was  so protective of me and swore to never hurt me. He even has told Sal that if he hurt me,  Joe would not hesitate to punch him. Joe and I always got along, but he would not tolerate it if I did something stupid.

"Sal, can we see Joe on the way back home?" I asked Sal, grabbing onto his arm. "Please? I haven't seen Joe since last week!"

Sal smiled and nodded, kissing my forehead gently. "Of course we can, beautiful. But before we go, we have to pack to leave."

"You realize they won't have the discharge papers for like, hours, right?" I giggled as I slowly pushed my legs off the bed and hung them over the side of it. "Literally, we'll be lucky if they get them ready within half an hour."

Sal rolled his eyes and kissed me to shut me up. "We're packing now," Sal said as he pulled away from the kiss. "Okay? No arguing against me. I'll shut you up later."

I bit my lip gently but shook his comment off, knowing there was nothing we could do right now. As I watched Sal pack some stuff up, I noticed Q staring at his phone. Whatever he was looking at must've been pretty interesting, because I've never seen him that focused on something. I was going to ask to see it, but I wouldn't want things to get weird if he had something dirty on his phone that wasn't meant for me. I simply left it alone and let him enjoy himself.

"Alright, almost everything is packed up," Sal announced, closing up the biggest part of his backpack. "Anything I might've forgot or have missed?"

"Did you get my hair brush?" I asked him. I brushed my fingers through my hair, but struggled once I found a knot. "Ah, fuck! My hair is knotted. These damn hospital beds will always knot long hair. I hate it, I hate it."

Sal came over to me and began brushing my hair with my hair brush. It felt nice to finally have my hair brushed after days of not being able to brush it myself. I technically could've brushed my own hair, but I wasn't feeling all that well with being in the hospital bed and just feeling exhausted the whole time. I could hear Sal quietly humming to himself as he brushed my hair. He was humming the song that played when we went out on our first date together. I smiled and bit my lip as I began to sing along.

"People are talkin'," I began singing under my breath. "Talkin' 'bout people. I hear them whisper, you won't believe it."

When Sal realized what I was beginning to sing, I turned to see his face light up. He chuckled as he leaned down and kissed my cheek quickly. "Keep singing, my pretty girl."

As I kept on singing, Q and Murr began to notice and started clapping to the beat.

"They think we're lovers kept undercover," I sang along, hitting every note perfectly. "I just ignore it, but they keep saying, we-"

"Laugh just a little too loud," Q sang, swaying from side to side on the pullout couch.

"Stand just a little too close," Murr joined in as his smile reached from ear to ear.

"We stare just a little too long," Sal added, raising his hands as he danced.

"Maybe they're seeing', something we don't, darlin'!" I giggled, dancing around with my free arm. "Oh, let's give 'em something to talk about! Let's give 'em something to talk about! Let's give 'em something to talk about, oh! How about love?"

Q and Murr kept in their laughter as they waved their hands in the air for my performance. Q pulled out his phone and began recording me, but I didn't even care.

"I feel so foolish," I sang on, standing up from the bed and holding onto my IV pole. "I never noticed. You act so nervous, could you be fallin' for me? It took the rumor to make me wonder, now I'm convinced that I'm going under!"

Sal got up and took my hand. "Thinkin' 'bout you every day," he continued, singing perfectly in time with the tune in our heads. "Dreamin' 'bout you every night! I'm hopin' that you feel the same way! Now that we know it, let's really show it, darlin'!"

Q and Murr applauded as we finished up the song. Q even whistled and yelled out for an encore, but the discharge papers came in before we could perform a last song. As I skimmed through the discharge papers, I nodded before I signed them and handed them off to the doctor. A nurse came in a few minutes later and took the IV out of my hand. There was a giant black and blue on my hand because of it, but I knew it was also half my fault for not holding down the bandage like the nurse had told me to.

Even with the black and blue, I was out of that damn hospital and free to go home with Sal again.

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