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Sal surprised both Jenna and myself by returning home from work before we did. It was a nice surprise that rarely happened, but I never complained when it did occur. I always wanted to spend every moment with Sal ever since we got together, and I knew he felt the same way towards me.

"Sal!" I giggled happily as I ran towards him, his giant arms wrapping around my small figure.

"Hey, gorgeous girl."

Jenna beamed happily as she went into the kitchen to get herself some water while we had our moment. "Michelle did really well at the doctor," Jenna said as she opened up a new bottle of water for herself. "The doctor wasn't the best doctor I've met, and all he really did was ask her a bunch of stupid questions that I'm sure her actual doctor could've asked her, but whatever."

Sal planted a kiss on my forehead right before he pulled away from me to go hug his sister. "Wait, what? She didn't even see her actual doctor?"

I shook my head with a slight sigh. "No, apparently he wasn't in today. We got some doctor named Doctor Bradshaw."

"His eyes were bulging out of his head," Jenna giggled, capping the bottle top back onto the bottle.

I nodded with a giant smile as Sal came back to me and gave me another forehead kiss. "Well that's great, I guess. I'm glad you're doing well and okay and that everything went well today, yeah? You're okay, right?"

I looked down at my black heels for a second before nodding my head. I knew Jenna saw that little hesitation because she butt in before he could ask what was wrong.

"Michelle had a little issue today," Jenna said, coming into the living room with us. "It wasn't like anything having to do with her health, just.. nervous about everything."

I could feel Sal's eyes looking down at me through my dark brown hair. I couldn't hide anything from him, and I knew it. He could read me like a book, and when he knew something was wrong, he would question me all about it.

"Jenna, could you please give us some time alone?" Sal asked his sister, nodding up to her. "I'll make sure she's okay. Thanks for taking her today."

I looked up at Jenna with an okay smile and thanked her. She pulled me into another giant hug, which is when I lost it. I normally didn't cry, but for some reason, today just felt like the perfect day to release all my tears. I didn't like crying, and I felt like an ass for crying in front of Sal and Jenna even though I knew they didn't care.

Jenna turned me back to Sal as Sal pulled me towards him. Jenna took the water bottle and began to back out of the room towards the door. Although I was hiding my face in the crook of Sal's neck, I could still hear them whispering to each other.

"Give me a call later and let me know how she's doing," Jenna whispered to Sal. I didn't even have to see her face to know that she was worried about me. I could simply tell by the sound in her voice.

Sal just nodded as she left, still holding me in his arms. "Come on, beautiful, let's run you a nice hot bath, yeah?"

I pulled away from him slightly and wiped my face, nodding in agreement to what he was saying. I thought it was strange of him to let me cry on him like that, but I didn't bother questioning it. Not today, at least.

Sal and I walked to the bathroom together. He began the hot bath and kept me close the whole time, not letting me out of his grip for a single second. It was cute, honestly, and I found him even more attractive than usual. I already knew he was a caring guy and all that, but I never saw him like this. When I was sick a few times, he would stay home from work to take care of me. He'd make me soup, run to the store for whatever my little heart desired, and basically just was the best boyfriend anyone could ask for. Even with all that, he's never been.. this way. Maybe it's because he's never seen me cry before? I only ever cried once every so often, but it took a lot for that to happen. I also didn't like crying in front of people, so for me to break down in front of my own boyfriend and his sister was saying how stressed I was that day.

"Is the temperature okay, gorgeous?"

I slipped my sandal off and dipped my toe into the water. I turned to him and nodded.

"Alright, get in. I just have to put my phone in the bedroom, I'll be right in with you."

I followed his instructions and got into the bath tub, relaxing as the bubbles slipped onto my body and popped every few seconds. Well, at least I was able to stop crying. I glanced around the bath tub for a second and picked up the bubble bath bottle with a giggle. When Sal came back in, I held the bottle up to him with my eye brow raised.

"Mr. Bubbles? Really, babe?"

Sal's face went pink as he swiped it away from me and placed it in his sink.

"Yes, Mr. Bubbles, got a problem with it?" Sal huffed as he got into the bath tub with me and took my hands.

I smiled as I shook my head and stared at him in admiration. I was so attracted to this kindhearted man, and him acting like such a sweetheart made me love him even more. I couldn't even put into words what I was feeling in that moment. It felt like a fairy tale movie scene, if you asked me.

"Sal?" I asked after a minute.

"Yes, beautiful?"

I blushed slightly as my smile faded slightly. "Why do you love me?"

"What?" Sal seemed extremely shocked, as if I asked him to explain some calculus question that he couldn't understand. "Are you serious, Michelle?"

I nodded as I looked at him dead in the eye. "Yeah, I am. Why do you love me? Like.. you could've had anyone else in the world, but you chose me. Why? What made me so special? What made me stand out? Why me out of all the other girls?"

It took Sal a moment to answer. "I love you because you're the most beautiful, gorgeous, ravishing girl I've ever seen. When I saw you, I knew I had to make my move and get you to be mine. I didn't want to keep looking because I saw just what I wanted right in front of me. You. Why are you asking all of a sudden?"

I shrugged and climbed on top of him. "Just.. I dunno. I keep thinking you'd be better off without me and my stupid health issues. I mean, if it's not one thing, it's another. Don't you get annoyed by always seeming like I can't go a day without health drama?"

Sal pulled me into a kiss as he shook his head. "I don't care about your health drama. Everyone has some kind of issue they're going through right now, and it's okay. No one is perfect, and I don't expect anyone to be perfect. I know you're not perfect,  but I look past that because I love you so much. I've fallen so in love with you, that your imperfections have become some of the things that make you more beautiful."

"But all this health drama and shit is just.. isn't it too much for you?"

Sal smiled and shook his head as he gently caressed my cheek. "Don't you worry about it, alright? You're just fine in my eyes. I wouldn't want you any other way. Besides, it's kinda sexy when you talk medically to me. I don't know, it's just become a little turn on for me." He raised his eye brow with a little smirk as he grabbed ass gently. "I would love to have you as my doctor or nurse."

I rolled my eyes with a little giggle. "Yeah? Well I'd love to have you as my patient.."

Sal smiled happily as he stared into my eyes. He didn't say anything more, just pulled me into him and pressed his lips to mine. We stayed quiet throughout the kiss, not a single noise was heard. It was so easy to hear a pin drop; that's how quiet it was between us two.


I pulled away after a moment and looked at him. His eyes were gentle and warm, as if he knew everything would be okay.

"Yes, Sal?"

"Let's go on vacation somewhere."

"Where to, Sal?"

"I don't know.. Florida?"

I couldn't stop smiling. I nodded excitedly as I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Yes, yes, okay! Yes, Sal! Let's go to Florida!"

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