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Luke's prov.

I was waiting to see Blake's reaction to the favor I asked of him, would he say yes? Did I ask to much of him?

Blake blankly stared at me. "No."

"Why not?" I asked, getting a little up set.

"Because... I don't know... It's just seems like I don't need to tell anyone else." Blake tried to answer, but failed.

"Blake I done that thing for you, no I want you to do this for me." I told him. "Please?"

I wasn't trying to make him do something he didn't want to, but this was important. And it always will be.

Blake sighed. "Out of all the things to ask you just had to pick this?"

Of course I had to. Blake is all mine. No one else's.

I smiled. "Yes!" I felt like I wa pushing him to much, maybe I should just let him do it when the time is right.

"Fine I will do it." Blake smiled at me. "But I don't see the point since I already told the whole world."

"Told the whole world?" I asked.

"I told you didn't i?" Blake questioned.

I shook my head, Blake looked away then continued to walk towards the door.

I followed Balke down the hall, as we walked in to see, Rose, Devin, Henry and Aaron hanging out.

I smiled. Blake was going to do this. For us. So everyone will know.

Blake stood in front of them, blocking the tv. It must have been a good show because everyone frowned when he did that.

"Hey!" Rose barked. "I was watching that."

"Not important." Blake told her.

Rose glared at Blake.

I just smiled and watched Blake.

He turned to me, with hope that I would change my mind. I nodded for him to continue.

"This." Blake pointed to himself. "Is not on the market anymore-"

Blake stopped himself. "Actually give me a minute." Then he walked over to me.

I frowned. "Hey I done you a favor."

"I know." Blake whispered. "I know, but about the favor. Am I really off the market?"

I was shocked. I thought we were a couple. We are mates, and we do really like each other.


Neither of us asked the other one out. OPPS.

"Blake?" I sighed. "Your mine and I am yours. I understand if you don't want to be my boyfriend."

His eyes went wide. "No! I want to date you! I just wasn't sure if you wanted to date me!"

"Of course I want to date you." I stated. "Why did I let you kiss me if I didn't?"

Blake smiled then went back to standing in front of the tv. "Alright. This." He pointed to himself. "Is off the market. Spread the word because I got a mate, that is my boyfriend."

I smiled.

Rose awed. "That's adorable! But your still blocking my view."

Blake frowned. "Jerk."

"Blake can you please move?" Aaron asked getting irritated. "Your in my way."

Blak frowned. "Nobody cares anymore!"

"I care." I smiled and took my boyfriends hand and dragged him back to our room.

"Ugh." Blake jumped on the bed.

I jumped beside him. "You tired?"

Blake nodded, and yawned. "Yep."

I lightly tapped him. "Yawning is contagious." Then I yawned.

Blake suddenly looked serious. "You want me to sleep in here?"

"Of course." I nodded. "I wouldn't want it any other way."

Blake wrapped his arm around me, and laying like that I fell asleep.

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