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Luke's prov.

Why do I have to like him? He's meeting his mate tomorrow for maples sake!

Well thank god it's only a little crush, it will probably go away...

"Hey guys what's up?" Devin walked into the room and stood beside Rose. "Any clue on who your mate is?"

"Actually..." Aaron smiled. "Yes."

"That's great! But don't tell that person that your probably mates it will give them false hope." Devin stated. "And that will turn out bad."

"Well hopefully they are my mate, because I think I love them..." Aaron trailed off. "I might actually love them already..."

Then a crying sound was heard. I looked over at Henry and he looked up at Aaron.

"T-that's great." Henry sniffled. "You already love your soon to be mate!"

No one said anything.

"Hen-" Aaron tried to talk but Henry cut him off.

"I am sorry, but I need to go to my room sir." Henry whispered then he ran to his room.

The room went quiet.

"Wow." Blake stated. "He really likes you, to bad you getting your mate tomorrow." He patted Aaron on the back.

"Blake." Rose growled. "Don't mock Henry's feelings."

"Stay out of this Rose." Blake shot back. "It's his fault, he shouldn't have build on his feelings for Aaron."

"You can't control feelings." I told Blake.

Blake frowned. "Yes you can. He didn't have to choose to like Aaron. He could have picked a random pack member!"

"No he couldn't have!" I shouted at Blake. "He has tried! Over and over! He tried dating! They don't work out! He can't control his feelings!"

"Yes you can!" Blake shouted and walked forward in front of me. "I have blocked mine, so why can't he?"

Everything went silent, and Blake turned around and walked to his room.

"Blocked feelings for who?" Rose asked. Before her brother went to far down the hallway.

He paused, looked at me then Rose.

"It doesn't matter." Blake sighed. "Hopefully by tomorrow I will get my mate."

"Blake? Who?" Rose asked.

"It doesn't matter." Blake repeated himself. "Now good night see you guys tomorrow."

Aaron got up silently. "I am going to bed. Hopefully I can see who my mate is."

"Who ever it is..." Rose told him. "Tell Henry who it is, okay? He's been wanting to know the question all these years."

"Years?" Aaron asked.

Rose nodded. "He's liked you since third grade."

"He's 17 now." Aaron stated. "For 9 years?"

Rose nodded. "He deserves to know."

"I wonder what my mate would be like?" Devin asked.

Rose frowned. "Perfect for you."

I sighed. They couldn't tell yet. Aaron and Henry are perfect together. Rose and Devin are perfect together. And me? I don't know who I am perfect together with.

"I think we should all go to bed." Rose stated. "Tomorrow will be a big day."

We all nodded and head to bed.


I was sitting down, in a field. The rouge from today was there. And he seemed troubled.

"I have given you your gift." The rouge wolf told me. "Be careful with it. Weather can be dangerous."

"Wait?!" I called out. "What do you mean?!"

"I mean you can-" the rouge was cut of by someone shaking me.


I woke up to Rose. She seemed so sad.

"What?" I asked.

"Since the boys won't know who their mates are by noon..." Rose trailed off. "I was hoping we could try and make Henry feel better today?"

I smiled. "Of course."

Me and Rose got up and walked to Henry's room.

When we got to the door, all we heard were sobs. Sobs coming from Henry.

Since today's the day Aaron meets his mate, it's really taking a toll on him...

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