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Henry's prov.

When Luke asked what happened I just cried even more.

I was laying on my bed crying into my pillow, Blake embaressed me and now my crush is probably hoping I will die.

Maybe I should, just to make him happy.

My door creaked open, and I thought it was Luke. I guessed wrong.

"Henry?" Aaron asked.

I looked up from my pillow to see him awkwardly standing there, I quickly say up.

"Sorry!" I apologized right away, I didn't want him to hate me.

"You don't need to apologize." Aaron smiled at me. "Can I sit?"

He pointed to the bed. I moved over, and he sat down. I was still crying though.

"Why did you come here?" I asked Aaron.

"Wanted to talk to you, about my mate." Aaron whispered. "I know that you hope that when ever I find out who my mate is, that it's you. I am flattered really..."

I knew he was going to the bad part.

"But..." Aaron sighed. "I have a girlfriend, and me and her our both hoping that we are mates."

That broke my hope.

"So can we just leave behind what happened earlier tonight about you liking me?" Aaron asked.

That just broke my trust in him.

"No." I told him. "I can't just leave my feelings for you Aaron. I really like you, and it's fine if you don't feel the same. But asking me to push a side my feelings is not."

Aaron frowned. "I don't see why not."

I basically yelled at him. "It's not because I felt this way for you since I first met you! I love you!"

I cried even more. Aaron just sat there not knowing what to say.

"Henry?" Aaron asked. "You liked me since elementary?"

I nodded.

"You know when you get your mate, your going to forget about me. Right?" Aaron asked.

I looked up at Aaron. "I won't forget about you."

Then he did something I wasn't expecting, it wasn't a punch or a kick it was a kiss. A little peck on the lips by him.

Then he stood up. "Since you had a crush on me forever, I figured I should at least give you something."

That broke my heart.

Then he left.

I was still crying, because he probably won't be my mate and I will die all alone.

Alone until I meet my mate. Or alone until I die.

"Nothing happened." I whispered to Luke.

Luke didn't look convinced but didn't push it. "Hey, you want to play video games for the rest of the night?"

"Yeah, that will keep my mind off of what will happen tomorrow." I sighed.

"Be glad they just get a little over protective of their mates, but they won't know for sure until the day after tomorrow." Luke told me.

I nodded. "True, i hope Aaron gets someone he truly cares about, and would make a great mate."

"I hope Rose and Devin get together, they been eye raping each other for years now." Luke laughed.

"Stop talking about me behind my back." Rose growled, appearing at my door. "And Luke I wouldn't be so bad on us when Blake wants his wife."

"Wife?" I asked confused.

"Yep!" Rose smiled. "Blake used to want Luke to be his wife when we were younger."

I smiled a little, I arrived at this pack around 10. As a rouge, they took in me an my parents. But we got put as omegas.

"That's adorable! I ship it!" I smiled at my best friends.

Thanks to them being my best friends, I didn't get the omega rep. Or otherwise known as, people ignoring me because I am a omega.

"Okay guys." Rose sighed. "Guess we are having a sleep over tonight!"

She crashlanded on the bed, and soon we all fell asleep.

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