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Luke's prov.

I quickly got out of the bed and fixed all  my clothes.

Blake looked confused laying on the bed. "What are you doing?"

"Well we have to ask my dad also." I stated.

Blake looked even more confused. "But I am topping."

I blushed. "We don't know that for sure..."

"What? Your not topping." Blake frowned.

"Why not?" I asked. "I could top you."

"No you can't." Blake growled.

Are we going to fight?

"Yes I can." I growled back.

"Luke you couldn't top me if you tried." Blake stated.

"You want to bet?" I crossed my arms, I wanted to top.

Blake smirked. "Try then."

I climbed on the bed and pushed Blake back, so I was on top of him. And I straddled him.

The position was compromising.

"Babe, it looks like your trying to ride me instead of fuck me." Blake laughed.

I shut him up with a kissed, and forced him to part his lips by yanking his hair.

"Such a turn on..." Blake bucked his hips. "Luke more..."

I ripped off both of are shirts and continued to kiss him down his neck, until I reached his pants.

I tugged them off along with mine, and I breathed over his area. I yanked down his pants, and I yanked down mine.

I wasn't even thinking.

Then I saw how much I wanted him inside me, rather then me inside of him.

I am going to bottom, I don't care anymore.

"Is anything wrong?" Blake asked curiously.

"Your topping." I stated, almost out of breath as I grabbed his area and lined it up to my whole.

"Luke damn!" Blake moaned as I gripped him. "Please ride me!"

I was about ready to drop, when someone interupted us.

Damn it! Do people hate us?!

"Luke!" My dad yelled.

Me and Blake both shared looks of panic as, me and him struggled to pull on our clothes.

My father continued to pound on the door, we thought we had enough time until the door clicked.

My dad unlocked it.

We just got our shirts on and covered up our boners with the blanket, when my dad opened the door without care.

"What were you two doing?" My dad asked.

"Making out." Blake stated without hesitation.

He just had to tell my dad that?

I blushed and looked down. "Dad can me and Blake be together?"

"Blake doesn't top?" My dad asked surprised.

Blake smirked. "I do top, Luke wanted to top at first but I doubt he wants to anymore."

I blushed even more. "I like you dominating me more." I whispered to Blake.

My dad gagged. "Sheesh, but I still approve."

I smiled. "Even though I will bottom?"

My dad nodded. "And next time, make sure you put on the right shirts."

Me and Blake both looked down, Blake smiled at seeing me in his shirt.

My dad left silently.

"Can you please take off your pants, put your finger on your lip and stick your but out and say 'please!'?" Blake asked.

I shook my head. "No way that's embarrassing!"

"Please, I will do anything you want!" Blake begged me.

I sighed. "Fine."

I frowned as I got into his position that he wanted me in.

"Please!" I bit my lip and stuck my but up in the air.

He smiled and didn't waste any time pressing his lips to mine, and pushed me down on the bed.

I easily pushed him away.

"What?" He frowned.

"My favor." I smiled.

"What do you want?" Blake asked, he looked curious again.

I blushed. "I want...."

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