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Henry's prov.

This was bad, the fight, the storm. And what makes it worse is that I think Luke was making the storm.

I don't know why it's just that every time we have a bad storm or sun shine filled day, is when he's either sad or happy.

"Luke!" I heard Alpha yell.

I looked up. If you saw us all right now you would think we were trying to kill someone on the other side, but were not.

Let me explain.

Luke and Blake had a falling out, a argument, a fight or whatever you want to call it.

So here we are....

Me, Aaron, Rose, Devin, Alpha, and Blake are all outside Luke's door.

Why didn't he tell me and Rose he liked Blake? Was it because Blake already knows who is mate is, and is hiding it?

"Luke my mate is-" Blake was cut off by thunder.

"Leave me alone!" Luke shouted, his voice was shaky.

Blake's eyes flashed yellow for a second, and I went backwards into my mate.

"What's wrong?" Aaron asked me.

I hugged him. "His wolf is coming out."

When a Beta, Alpha or Gamma's wolf comes out, lower class wolves are in danger. Because they can easily over powers us and kill us.

My mate, held me tight. "You will be fine, i won't anyone hurt you."

Thank maple I have a Alpha for a mate.

"Luke as your future Beta I command you open this door!" Blake barked, everyone went silent as the door silently opened and showed a crying Luke.

His head down showing respect.

Blake sighed. "I'm sorry for commanding you, but you need to know who my mate is."

Luke sniffeled an kept his eyes glued to the floor.

"Luke, your my mate." Blake stated.

Luke froze. Everyone expected it, this is amazing. Now Luke needs to accept.

"Are you lying?" Luke whispered. "Just to make me feel better?"

"No!" Blake told him. "Your my mate! Which is awesome because I loved you ever since we known each other!"

Love? Blake really does love Luke. Does Aaron love me?

Or is it only because we are mates?

"Aaron?" I asked him. "Do you only love me because were mates?"

"No, I liked you for awhile." Aaron told me.

I frowned. "Like and love are two different things."

"Henry." Aaron told me. "I love you, I love you, I love you!"

I blushed. "I love you too, but I am afraid you only love me because we are mates."

I turned back to Luke and Blake.

"Liar!" Luke yelled at him. "You never ever liked me! Let alone loved me! If you did then why do you bully me? Constantly call me omega? Why do you verbally hurt me?!"

"Luke I-" Luke cut him off by turning around, and shutting himself back into his bedroom.

Blake put his back to the door and slide down it head in his hands.

Who wouldn't be upset? Their mate just called them a liar after you confessed your undying love for them.

I know I was upset whenever Blake told Aaron I loved him and he rejected me, but now since we are mates he accepted me.

I wonder if that's how it works.


You have no one you love so you wait till your 18th birthday so the moon goddess shows you who your soul mate is.

I am lucky that the love of my life is my soulmate, Luke and Blake are too, and so is Rose and Devin.

We are all lucky. Just we can't see how lucky we really are yet.

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