Chapter 22 - Love in the Air

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Last Chapter! Yay! I will have a sequel! Since it was so requested, It will be made, but only after I finish my other two books. I'm trying to be fair, is all. Anyway, NEXT WEEK I WILL BE HOSTING A Q&A! If you any questions for me, or about the story, please leave your Question in the comments. I will look over them next week and answer them to the best of my ability!


Yuuki Rinn!


~Narrator's POV~

The clearing fell into a hushed silence as Mark took each item in turn into his hands. Covering the chosen item with both hands so that it completely invisible, receiving help from Jack with Preston's cape, he closed his eyes and hummed. The tone with upbeat and happy, and as he hummed, golden light shown through the cracks of his fingers.It grew in intensitiy as the song climaxed, and dimmed before he removed his hands. Each item glowed faintly after he returned them to their owners. The Soul Keppers held the objects hesitantly.

With all attention on the four, Jack decided to assist them. He reached out and lifted Preston's cape from where it laid draped over his outstretched arms. He held onto the clasp, and sent the red fabric tumbling over the quivering lava mob's back. Jack smiled at Preston and connected the clasps. He stepped back. Everyone waited, holding their breaths.

It was meager at first, but the lava mob's skin began to give off a faint, gold glow. With a the roar of a blazing fire, golden magic engulfed the short hero, giving everyone a jult. It lasted a few seconds, and just like a fire, the magic was suddenly gone, it's swirling beauty sucked into the clasp of the cape.

Where a lava mob had been, there was now a short, tan boy. His brown hair was fluffy and windswept, his big brown eyes wide with astonishment as he looked down at himself. Preston's face was split with a huge smile, and a loud squeal of happiness sliced through the thickened quiet. Rob was the first one to move. With speed only rival to an wild animal, Rob grabbed Preston by the waist and twirled him around like he was a prince and Preston was his princess ((AN// Sorry I had to :3 )). The duo rejoiced and people broke from their paralyzation. Whoops and cries of "Poofless!" rang through the clearing.


Inspired by Preston's change, the other three Soul Keepers exchanged grins. Pete quietly chanted




All three put on their enchanted items. Attention left the happy Poofless duo as the right side of the clearing was engulfed in golden light, the enchanting golden magic flowing leisurely around the three beings. As it disappeared, it was like a bomb when off. The Team Crafted members hollered like wolves as the celebrated the return of their Canadian friend.

Mitch's eyes, once again brown, were beaming with happiness. He excitedly gave himself a once-over, along with the small crowd of his friends. They all gleefully found that it was like nothing had ever happened. Secretly, Mitch missed the wings, because, dang, flying was cool!

The TC members swallowed Mitch in a huge group hug, which Jerome clinging to Mitch like a child to it's mother. Mitch saw a small figure at the back of the crowd and noticed his sullen expression. Letting out a sigh through his nose, he called the small mage over.

"Seto! Get over here and share some love!" The short mage looked up in surprise. The corners of his lips twitched and he leaped into the group hug, smiling like an idiot.


Nearby, a small body barreled into Lachlan, who had lost his horns, wings, and tail. Lachlan squeaked happily and grabbed Vikk's waist, easily hoisting the small body onto his shoulders.

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