Chapter 20 (Part One) - Fear

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Buckle up! ~Yuuki

~Narrator's POV~

    Footsteps pounded across the root filled terrain as thirteen figures charged the forest of death. The leader, who was several feet in front of the group, was the bacca, used to the rough forest terrain. The plan was simple, but held multiple steps. First, the large group would go to the clearing, where the bacca had last seen his benja. There, they would meet up with Pete and Preston, who would further explain the situation. That's where the group was heading know.

    Under the baccas feet, the ground changed from full of roots to a padding of soft grass as he entered the clearing. Jerome stopped, breathing in short pants as he waited for the others to catch up. He was nervous, butterflies attacking his stomach. The other twelve boys filed out into the clearing, pulling out weapons to protect themselves against the mobs just spawning. The sun  ducked behind the mountains of the west as the moon appeared in the east, full, giving off a golden tint.

    Jerome swallowed the lump in his throat and drew in a deep breath through his nose. Wait. Jerome turned and faced the north, spying three figures approaching at fast speeds. Three? ((AN// THREEEEEEEEE! Sorry, homestuck reference.)) One was definitely slower than the other two, favoring its one side. Jerome could smell the blood on him.

    "Guys, incoming" He called softly to his companions, who dropped all small talk in about a second top. A few agonizing seconds later, the clearing was illuminated by Preston's presence, bringing himself, Pete, and another Soul Keeper into view. They were panting, and casting glances around them.

    It was another few seconds until Preston stepped forward, glowing like a glow worm.

    "Okay. I know this is an awkward time. The pack wants to to reunite, but we got bigger problems." Preston looked over to the other Soul Keeper, who looked worse for wear.

    "Kenny has Mitch, which we already assumed, but he is going to do the Transfer Sacrifice tonight, at midnight." Lachlan confirmed, reciting the information the Septic Eye Angel had given him after helping him escape from under the boulder. He glanced up at the moon, doing his best to avoid Vikk's eyes. "That leaves us with about six hours to find Kenny, rescue Mitch, and crash the ceremony." Lachlan finished. Looks were exchanged, hands intertwined, and eyes locked.

    Sky took a step forward, his budder sword gleaming in the moonlight. Ty stood next to him, his red eyes shining. Husky held Ian's hand, his other holding his own teal sword confidently, while Ian watched the scene unfold behind his dark glasses, well aware of the fact that this might be the last time he ever saw his friends again. Seto's eyes changed from brown to purple, Brice towering behind him, holding the sorcerer close, afraid to lose him. Jason and Tyler gripped each other's hands in strangling grasps, bravely facing the danger together. Jerome held Betty with a fire in his eyes, ready for the challenges ahead. Rob had snuck to the front and had his fingers laced with Preston's, both of them keeping their eyes on the forest. Lachlan had engulfed Vikk in a fragile hug, something Vikk returned. Matt and Pete shared a look before Pete broke the silence.

    "No pressure..." he mumbled just loud enough to be heard, pulling slight laughter from the sullen group, before turning and marching into the forest in the direction of Kenny's base. He was almost surprised when he heard the sound of footsteps following him.

~Mitch's POV~

    I woke from my peaceful rest to the clang of metal against stone. Groggy, I didn't connect the dots until someone grabbed a fistful of my hair and dragged me into a sitting position. I shouted in surprise, only to have my back slammed into the stone wall behind me. I opened my eyes to see a blurry Kenny, who realised my hair as soon as my eyes landed on him. I felt cloth shoved in my mouth and panic shot through me. I squirmed against the chains, flailing my legs in attempt to hit something. Kenny unlock my chains for the wall, leaving me in just cuffs. Seeing an opening, I aimed and kicked with all the might I could muster. Bullseye. ((AN// Ready, aim, fire. Ready, aim, fire. FOB))

    "OUCH! YOU BRAT!" Kenny screeched as one of my legs hit him in the crotch. He doubled over in pain and I took the opportunity to squirm to my knees, then to my feet. Without looking back, I took off as fast as my... healed?... legs let me. A few hours ago, they were covered in scratches and bruised from falling off the cliff with Lachlan. Oh well, not the time to ponder the miracle. I pulled the cloth from my mouth, instantly drawing in a breath of cold air. I gasped as I ran, hearing the shouts from the enraged being behind me. I turned a corner, literally flying up a set of tight, narrow spiral stairs. Upon reaching the top, I stumbled, but regained my balance as I continued to race through the underground maze. Snarls came from behind me and the rapid thudding of feet told me that Kenny was hot on my booty.

That's when I saw it. It looked like a normal door from the top of the stairs, but now that I was closing in on it, I could see the moon through the slats of wood. So close....

"Dark, stop him!" Kenny growled from far behind me. My right foot was pulled from right under me and the stone floor came up to slap my face. I landed with a thud, gasping as the air was taken from my lungs. I felt myself being pulled by something and turned, slicing my tail at my opponent.

My tail went right through him. He was a large fella, with... black skin?! He looked like he was part of the night itself, with all the stars burned out. He looked over his shoulders at me, and a shudder ripped through me. He smirked, wisps of black smoke trendels swirled around him. All I could do was let out a terrified scream as the black smog enveloped me and I was knocked out.

~Tyler's POV~ ((AN// Again, guys, this is Tyler so you have been warned))

    I shivered, glancing around the forest, which looked like it was made of pure shadows. I rubbed my hands along my arms, trying to create friction and warm myself. I hadn't really planned to be doing this tonight, so the thin plaid jacket I was wearing wasn't helping at all. Someone nudged my arm and I turned to Jason, who was holding out his blue and orange hoodie to me. The top half of his armour was off, and his white undershirt was the only thing protecting his top half from the cold.

    "Here," he whispered, placing the soft material into my hands "My suit can keep me warm. Put this on." I nodded and gently pulled the blue and orange fabric over my head. Instantly I felt much better. The fabric with nice and thick, so it make up for the lack of warm instantly. Also, not like I'd ever tell him, but It smelled like Jason, so I liked it even more.

    "Thanks" I mumbled, looking into his eyes. They sparkled, his breath fogging in the cool air of the fall night. Hooooot!

    I looked to the sky, trying te escape Jason's beautiful look, and gasped, stopping in my tracks. My eyes had landed on an unsettling sight. The moon was blood red.

    I looked at Jason, who was staring up at the moon in horror. This must be twice as scary for him, as he was from space. He looked back at me and our eyes locked, before we both looked at the sky again. I was met with the same moon as their had normally been, big and white and freindly. Before I could say anything, though, a scream echoed through the trees, the whole caravan stopping at listen.

    "Oh no! That was Mitch!" Ian shouted, taking off through the forest, with Jerome and Husky on his heels. Glancing at Jason, I followed the brigade, plunging into the dark world. Following the glow of Preston's skin, we broke through the trees and onto a ledge, where we all stopped in dread.

"Holy fuck...." I said.

I looked at the perfect circle of stone. I had seen it only once before, as a diagram in a book. The stone bricks were recently placed, still fresh. High pillars into nothingness held strange glowing red rocks, symbols carved into the side facing the inner circle. Torches burned silently, holding steady light, for there was no wind on this silent night. In the center of the stone circle, was a higher platform, in which a cage held a single form.

Matching the description of the missing individual we came to save, the being was slumped down against the bars of a circular cage, the lack of light on the form from the roof of the cage disabled me from telling if he was asleep or dead.

"Mitch!" Jerome called, receiving no answer.

Call all you want. You won't get an answer.

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