Chapter Three - A Soul Keeper

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Sowwy I took forever! Plz don't kill me!!!! Well here it is! Took forever so you better like it!



~Mitch's POV~

Everything was either numb or in pain.

I prefered the pain.

It reminded me that I was still alive.

But the numbness,

It killed me.

I felt lost in it.


And there was no way I would give up and die.

For my fans.

For my Friends.

For my crush.


        In front of me were two doors. I opened each and stepped back, peering curiously into both.

        Behind the one on the right was a field of clouds. The setting sun cast light over the fluffy white landscape, dappling it in beautiful yellow-orange light.

        Behind the door to the left was a dark area. Even squinting, I could barely see anything inside.

        Neither of the two places felt right. My soul pulled toward the right, but curiosity pulled me left. I laughed to myself. Who said I had to go to either. I turned around and walked away, towards where I had been before. Each step was filled with pain, and tears were flowing down my cheeks. I cried out but my feet continued to stagger on. The pain ran up my legs, into my torso, then my chest, before hitting my head like a punch to the face. My legs turned rubber, and my body followed, the empty white space blurring and slowly disappearing. My eyelids tugged down and with a groan of pain, I gave in, letting the painful sleep control me.

~Seto's POV~

        I closed the door behind them and rushed to the bed. Mitch's body twisted and growling moans escaped his mouth. I turned, casting a sealing spell onto the oak door to keep the guys out. Mitch was either dying or transforming into a soul keeper. Either one, I didn't want the guys in here for it.

        Mitch screamed in pain, causing me to flinch and cover my ears. His back arched and I held in a scream as two purple-black wings exploded out. I turned around and sank to the floor, unable to watch. His screams filled the room. Good thing I put a spell on the room so that the others couldn't hear.

        Mitch's screams echoed in my skull, ripping at my heart strings. His agony rippled through my head, threatening to push me over the edge.


        His screams continued into the night, my cheeks drenched with tears at sound of his terrible wails. Finally I screamed, my hands clamping down on my head in a failed attempt to free myself from the eerie, agonizing yells.

        Then it stopped. I held my breath, lightly releasing myself from my grip. I let the breath go after a minute of silence. Slowly, I pulled myself to my feet, afraid to make any quick movements incase they triggered more screaming. I ascended into a hunched standing position, the only noise in the room was Mitch and I's breathing. I crept to the bed, stepping as lightly as possibly, my eyes boring into the still body on the bed. Minutes ticked on, and in what felt like an eternity I made it to the bed.

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