Chapter 17 (Part Two) - Bottomless Pit

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So um... I have some old friends in Paris and I'm so glad that they are okay. Just... Wow I mean I was like 4 or 5 when the Twin Towers where attacked but it was a scary weekend. Je Suis Paris!


~Narrators POV~

Kenny watched was his body welcomed his friends with open arms. He felt strange. He was... Okay with this? No, he didn't really like this.  But he wasn't doing anything about it. He just watched it happen.

The metal on the door hissed as it was corroded by acid. Kenny's friends were dripping the neon green liquid on the rusted cage. Kenny found his body's acting very convincing. If that had been really him, he would've done the exact same thing. That's something Kenny found funny. It was like it was him, but he knew it wasn't.

Kenny took this moment of nothing happening to think about his situation. He looked himself over, finding that he was completely visible (to himself, at least). He was ,in fact, floating several feet above ground, so much that the back of his neck was pressed against the ceiling of his cell. He tried to move, but found that he could only wiggle. Other than that, it was like he was trapped in an even smaller cage. He felt unnervingly placid. He wondered if he would be like this forever.

Kenny was startled when he saw himself. No, not the man in his skin, sobbing into Preston's shirt through the bars. It was something that almost made Kenny laugh. He had forgot about the mirror on the far wall of his room. His looked the same for a second, before the image changed. His eyes changed. Black and red eyes watched him, wearing the same expression as him. His body was the same other than that.

A bar of metal slipped to the ground as the five boys tugged. The soft clatter echoed, sending chills down Kenny's back. He was beginning to lose the last of the feeling his body. His friends were on the next bar, in which would be his escape.

Hello again.

A few minutes had begun to feel like an eternity when the deep voice creeped into his ears. Kenny's eyes sought the mirror again. His reflection was still nestled in the reflective glass, but it had changed. The chapped lips had become a devilish smirk, and the eyes copy those of the man he had met only a minute or so ago.

You must have questions. They always do. You get one. Go.

Kenny thought quickly, instantly regretting his choice of words.

"What the fuck are you people?!" He shouted, afterwards wishing he could slap his hand over his mouth. Dark reacted differently than Kenny thought he would.

I knew you would wonder. Want to know how I knew that? Because...

Darks form was changing. His skin expanded slightly, wisps of black smoke curling around his features, staining his skin. His teeth elongated and his eyes reddened. Kenny's mind was running at a thousand miles an hour.

The reason I know is because, more or less, I am you. I am the thing in the back of your mind that had always been locked away. But the torture you received... It brought me closer to you, so close, it was tempting at times not to break out and attach. But, of course, once i'm here, I can only rid of in a certain way. I've said too much. This is not what i'm here for anyway. Take a look at your friends.

Kenny blindly followed the orders, and had he had the ability he would have screamed. His friends had turned into monsters! Preston was covered in liqiud flames, Choco was a giant bird, Pete was a slime wearing a tux, and Lachlan was a demon! Kenny felt the fear crawl into the back of my head. Dark's voice seemed closer than ever.

Do you want to become like them? Or do you want power? I can give it to you. I can give you powers. You already have them inside you, but only I have the key. Your friends will become jealous, and try to take it from you. You don't want that do you?

No, Kenny didn't. If he had some cool special power, why would he let his friends take it away from him? Dark chuckled darkly in his ear.

I know you don't. Give me control and some freedom, and they will never get your power.

Kenny didn't want to admit it. But Dark's offer was getting to him. Power... he thought. A sinister smile danced on his lips as he heard the second clang. He watched as his body was pulled through the small gap in the metal.

Little did Kenny know that he had just made the biggest mistake in his life. He had fallen into a bottomless pit of no return. Dark also watched as the eight boys hurried down the corridor. His forked tongue ran over his serrated teeth. 

Freedom tastes so sweet. He was going to make the most of this. What fun.  

(Again, I want to say that this is a flashback in a way.)

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