Chapter 15 - Taken by Storm

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Slightly depressing, but worth it for next chapter.


~No one's POV~

The forest was alive with the sounds of oncoming rain. Miles away, the clouds burst with thunder, sending animals into their homes as they ran from the approaching storm. Only a lone figure was out, standing in the midst of the chaos at the edge of a ragged cliff. His short blond hair flew in the wind and the skyline reflected onto his blue eyes.

20 minutes until he saw his lover again. The past year is now hanging the the balance of the meeting in 20 minutes. He watched in despair the entire year as his lover slowly lost himself over him. His joyful little brit turned into the town fool, pouring his feeling into liquor. The guilt had eaten away at his soul, destroying him from the inside out. He smiled and joked, plastering that same damn look of false happiness for the sake of Preston and Pete. But the dark of his mind kept him on the kusp of depression 24/7.

~???????'s POV~

"Lachlan." A soft voice called from the treeline. I didn't even need to turn to know that it was Mitch. His shoes crunched quietly on the gravel as he approached me. As he appeared next to me, his white eyes widened and his hands gently brushed my cheeks. "Lachlan? Why are you crying? Aren't you happy to see Vikk again?" He asked, pulling a crumpled tissue from his pocket and handing it to me. I didn't even realize I was crying. I took the tissue and wiped my eyes.

"I know I should be." I began, not knowing how to voice my thoughts in a way he would understand. "But I left him. I didn't even say goodby. I just ran. I was so caught up in my own dilemma that I forgot about how he would react. I made him sad, I made him drink, I did that to him. I shouldn't have just left. I'm to blame for everything he has done for the past year. All I did was watch. I was too afraid to confront him. And now... this afternoon... How can I face him, Mitch? After all I did to him?" I asked, wiping the tear stained tissue on my face again. Mitch had fallen silent beside me. One of his hands reached up to his spiky brown hair and ruffled it, his eyes turned to the horizon.

Only when I looked deeper into his eyes did I see the deep pain and suffering in them. " I can't say I blame you for feeling like that." He said, his voice wavering as he watched the lightning crack inside the walls of its gray castle. "I don't think I will ever be able to look my friends in the eyes again after the stunt I pulled when I left." He said, the guilt thick in his voice.

I gently hugged him, feeling as if we both needed it. A curiosity burned inside me. What did he do?

"I uh, jumped out a window..." He mumbled, and it took me a second to realize that I had been talking out loud. I felt a twinge of pity in my chest.

A loud crack made the two of us jump from where we stood, our eyes flinging to the massive gray mass inching across the sky. Another loud crack broke the silence, and fear leapt through my body as I realized it was coming from behind us. I whipped around, only to let out a screech of terror. A jagged crack stretched across the entire cliffside, block us from any exit. Out of the corner of my vision, I thought I saw something disappear into the forest, but I was too concerned with the problem at hand. Mitch gasped and grabbed my wrist, beginning to race towards the forest.

"Run!" He shouted, panic racing through my veins. I sprinted after him, almost safe. Mitch jumped over the widening crack turning to make sure I made it over. I jumped... At the exact same moment that the rocks broke, the cliff falling underneath me. I screamed and reached feebly for Mitch's outstretched hands. My hands grabbed air. I panicked. Oh Notch! I'm gonna die!

Hands latched onto mine, squeezing until it was painful as my body jerked underneath me, almost pulling Mitch over the edge. He growled and pulled with all his might as below him, I was thrown by the wind like a ragdoll.

"Lachlan! Don't let go!" He shouted as the storm engulfed us, sending wind and rain to baffle us. Terrified, all I could do was nod. Mitch's wings flapped behind him and I felt myself rise some.

Suddenly, a cry pierced the air, and I watched with wide eyes as the rock around Mitch's feet crumbled. My hands, wet with rain, slipped out of his, and I fell. I screamed and grabbed at the air, knowing I was going to die. I felt hands grab my waist and I was jerked up, the momentum that had gathered from gravity caused my rescuer, Mitch, spin out of control, the wind catching on his wings.

I didn't have time to brace for impact before we hit the ground. We hit with bone-cracking force. My entire left side exploded with numbness as I rolled, my limbs flying uncontrollably.

The world was dizzy as I stopped rolling. I couldn't move, as I found I was pinned under a large rock. I rolled my head to the side, my eyes searching for the checker-clad Soul Keeper. I spotted him some feet away, lying on his chest, his wings flat on his back.

As I tried to call out to him, I saw the shadows move beside him. A familiar figure, clad in black, picked up the still Canadian, throwing him over its shoulder. I struggled under the rock, thrashing and wiggling. But the rock remanded firmly planted on my chest, unmoved.

The figure looked over to me and lifted a boney finger to his lips and making the shush sign, before disappearing. I watched in quiet horror.

The gears in my brain were moving at snail's pace. But the realization hit me hard, and I knew I had to get Pete and Preston. Mitch was in terrible danger. I felt my energy sapping from my body as I pushed the boulder off me. I needed to get help!  I struggled. 

Around me, the strom raged on. 


I'm mean, I know. I couldn't let them unite in peace. But the story would be boring and short then. You're welcome.


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