Chapter Two - Soul Warping

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~Sky' POV~

Mitch's limp body swayed slightly was I ran, my lungs burning and my legs numb. When the fighting started, the team agreed to meet at the base to assess wounds and stuff. That's where I was heading. In fact, I could almost see it. Mitch let out a low groan, that made me shiver involuntarly. It sounded like he was in pain, but the noise sounded  too low to belong to Mitch. I stopped on the ridge, looking down into the valley that the base was nestled in. The base was made of oak and birch wood, although I would've preferred budder. It was five stories, and each of us had a large room to call our own. There were also many extra rooms for our friends too.

In front of the base was the rest of the team. All seven others were standing in front of the base, probably waiting for us. Mitch let out another growl, this time it sounded like he was in agony. What were we going to do?! I had no clue what kind of potion had hit Mitch... But I know someone who might. My body filled with new energy, I began my charge down to the base.

"SETO!! HELP!" I screamed, watching the group jump and turn to face me. I heard Mitch cough again, turning a little green at the smell of whatever he just coughed up. I panted and stumbled slightly as Mitch's weight suddenly shifted.

"SETO!" I screamed again. The team had started to run towards us, so I dropped myself to my knees, laying Mitch down on the grass. He coughed, turning on his side and spitting out another mouthful of frothing bile. I fell to the ground next to him, my legs numb from running about two miles with Mitch slung over my shoulder.

"Sky! Oh my Notch, what happened?" Jason asked, and a set of hands rolled be over. I panted, unable to catch my breath.

"Mitch.....Potion....Squids..." was all I could muster. Ian rose his eyebrow, unable to understand me. Mitch let out another choking growl, his back arching and his hands clawing at his throat. I pushed myself up. I pointed to Seto, them Mitch. Seto nodded and sat next to Mitch, looking over him hurriedly. Jerome and Jason paced next to Seto, Ty and Husky sitting beside me, Ty rubbing circles on my back. I opened my mouth, ready to tell the group what had happened, when my eyes fell on Mitch. He had turned to face me, his eyes screwed shut in pain, his cheeks bruised purple. I suck in my lip tight and held in tears. That could've been me, but Mitch saved me. Now he is in pain. I let my head fall and whimpered quietly. It was all my fault. I choked back a sob and I tackled Ty, crying on top of him. He yelped in surprise and tensed, before pulling me into a hug, cooing sweet nothings into my ear.

"Jerome, help me. We need to get Mitch inside. Can you carry him to his room?" I heard Seto ask, and fluffy grunted in reply. I could hear him begin to walk away, and the circle around me became tighter.

"Sky?" Seto asked tentatively. I rose my head off Ty's chest, my cheeks wet and my eyes red and puffy. Seto gently wiped my cheeks and knelt next to me. "Sky you have to tell me what happened so I can do my best to help Mitch." he explained, and I nodded hurriedly. I sat up, releasing Ty from under me. Rubbing my eyes, I faced Seto.

"W-well, d-during the b-battle, the Squid Lord s-showed up. He chased Mitch through the forest and I followed them. H-He caught Mitch, and nearly strangled him. H-He threw Mitch when he saw me, and he attacked me. But I-I'm too awesome for him, so he got angry. He threw the potion at me, but I didn't know it was a potion. Mitch pushed me out of the way, but the potion hit h-him  instead." I sniffled. Seto nodded, keeping on a poker face while the rest of the group stood with their mouths agape.

"Okay, I see. What color was the potion?" Seto pressed. I thought a second, reliving the memory.

"Purple. Darker than your cloak, though." I confirmed. Seto nodded, although I swear he paled for a second. He patted my head before getting up, murmuring something to Ty that I couldn't catch, and streaked off toward the base. Ty's warm arms pulled me into an embrace, and I snuggled into them. The others left, I could tell, and it was just us. I nestled my face into the crook of Ty's neck.

"It was my fault, Ty," I murmured. I could feel Ty turn his head slightly, and so I continued, "If I had moved myself. The potion wouldn't have hit either of us..."

Ty shifted, and lifted my head with his hand, forcing me to look in his lovely red eyes.

"Sky, look at me! It wasn't your fault!" Ty whispered forcefully. But I shook my head, pulling from his grasp and leaning forward. In the spur of the moment, I was going to do it. I was going to kiss him. I leaned in further, and he just watched, unmoving. This unsettled me, and I began to withdraw. Stupid Sky! He doesn't like you!

But Ty snapped forward, closing the remaining space between us and pressing his lips against mine. Joy filled my body and I returned the kiss. It was nothing crazy. Just passionate and loving. I poured out all my bottled up love. My love of him in general. My jealousy of him and his ex, Joceline. My hatred of anything that dared hurt him. All the feelings I had bottled up for about a good four years exploded into the kiss.

Unfortunately, we pulled apart. Ty was smiling, and I could tell I was too.

"You don't know how long I wanted to do that." I started, giggling slightly, my tears long forgotten. He smiled and nodded in agreement.

We sat there for a while, our hands intertwined, me snuggling into him. Finally, we got up, and Ty helped me inside. It was deathly silent. We sneaked upstairs, my hand clamped down on his, and his squeezing mine. I started heading for Mitch's room, but Ty pulled me back. I furrowed my brows in confusion, but Ty shook his head.

"You need sleep." He said, pulling me down the hall to my room. I just followed, uncomplaining. We reached my BUDDER colored room and we filed in. Ty sat me down on the BUDDER colored bed and kissed my forehead. "Go to sleep Sky." he cooed. I nodded but tugged his hand as he went to leave. I let my head drop again.

"Ty... C-can you stay here tonight?" I asked. Ty was still. Did I go too far?



~Seto's POV~

I warily flipped though the book Dark spells: Evil Potions Edition. This was the last book on potions I had. So far, there wasn't a potion that had the same symptoms as Mitch was having. I cast a glance toward the bed where Mitch laid. He was dead pale, his breathing slow and ragged. He was close to dieing and so far, there was nothing I was able to do about it. I pulled my attention back to my book. I continued to flip the pages, reading brief bits and pieces on each page, trying to pinpoint what potion Mitch had been hit with.

Something catch my attention and I hurriedly read the page from the beginning.

The Soul Warping Potion that is found in the most dangerous part of the Dark Dungeon, was first created by Herobrine.  He would pour it in his enemys food or wine and watch as they suffered. The potion causes the infected to vomit bile uncontrollably and have immense spass of pain. The potion twists the infected soul, which becomes too painful for most mortals to handle. Few have survived this potion, and those who did turned into beasts called Soul Keepers. But only until a Soul Keeper touches an evil arifact will they become aggressive. Then they are known as Twisted Soul Keepers. They get the ability to take people's souls and use them so ever they please.

There is no way to cure this potion. Only the strong survive through this potion.

My mouth hung open, and slowly, my eyes traveled to Mitch. Then I glanced back to the book. A soul keeper. Soul keepers killed people for fun. If Mitch survived this, I would have to kill him if he comes too close to snapping....


O_O  Wow....Not even I know where that last sentence came from....

Well! I will take some suggestions.

Oh and by the way, I'm adding the Pack in this story.

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