Chapter One - Potion

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Hey guys! I have another book out, on the ship called Ssunkipz. Ssundee and Husky. Anyway, enjoy my version of MEROME! Featuring other ships and The Canadian Soul Keeper!


~Mitch's POV~

        "Notch damn it, Sky! These things keep coming!" I shouted above the battle noises around me and my budder-loving friend. With a grunt in reply, he cut down another slimy squid. The team was scattered around the clearing, covering the closest persons back. I had been kinda sad when Jerome had backed Ty, but they had been closer to each other when the squids appeared. My hands guided my sword, slicing any squid near me and skillfully blocked the rare arrow shots.I smiled mentally. Could squids be any easier to kill?

        The squids around me slowly faded, and I blinked, taking the moment of peace to scan the scene around me. Confusion twisted my face, and I rubbed my eyes. Am I stressed from the fighting or is something happening? The squids had gravitated toward the center of the clearing. In the middle was a mass of squishy, slimy flesh. The squids were... combining!

        "Guys! Look-" A long tentacle, slimy with squid blood and goo, slammed into me. Pain erupted in my stomach, cutting me off and making me scream as I was propelled into the air. The tentacle retracted, leaving me flying through the air.

        It felt.... It felt like time stopped. I was floating in the air, the wind ruffling my hair and my hoodie flying around me. My eyes closed and the pain faded. It was really peaceful, actually. I kinda wished it would last forever.

        But of course it didn't. Time sped up and I landed with a thump, the breath knocked out of my lungs. Panicking slightly, I gasped for breath, the pain in my stomach returning.

        "Mitch! My Notch, are you okay?!" Adams high pitched, squealing voice hit my ears and made me groan. I opened my eyes to meet the blurry face of a worried Sky. I groaned in response and propped myself up on my elbow.

        "Ow." was all I could manage. Behind Sky, the mass loomed over us. My eyes widened when I saw a swords in all of its tentacles. I grabbed Sky and threw him over my shoulder. He landed with a thud a good few feet away. Out of the danger zone. Unfortunately, I wasn't. I jumped up, immediately regretting it after getting a slight headache. I looked up to the large mass in front of me. It reared its tentacles, plunging them towards me at speed too fast for me to tract with my eyes. And of course I didn't have a weapon. Plan B time. Run like hell, Mitch!

        I turned and began to dead run away from the clearing. A plan was formulating in my mind. I hoped the guys would forgive me for being so reckless.I glanced over my shoulder and squeaked to see that the mass was following me, swinging its tentacles wildly at my back. One of the sword glazed my shoulder, making me grit my teeth to hold in a hiss of pain. I had to lead the thing away from my friends!They came first, no matter what. I turned and began running toward another open field. The thing crashed behind me, crushing undergrowth and throwing trees like they were sticks. My legs began to burn, my running becoming clumsy. Then time slowed again. I saw the tentacle, but I wasn't able to alter my path. The appendage wrapped around me, and I screamed as it tightened around my body, squeezing me and threatening to suffocate me. My head was lightening. Thats not good. I hung there, in the masses grib. It swaying for about a minute until it stopped. My lungs threatened to burst, and the world was slowly fading when I heard a familiar voice.

"Let him go!"



~Sky's POV~

        My mouth hung a gap as the creature stood, holding a barely conscious Mitch out for me to see. Mitch's eyes were half-lidded in pain and his head hung limply. My heart cracked a little at the sight. All my hatred for the slime- ridden monstrosities exploded into an out burst.

        "Let him go!" I screamed. The squid chuckled and wiggled him around like a toy. I bared my teeth, wishing I had fangs like Ty. (Vampire TY!) Of course the guys didn't know about him being a vampire, but his red eyes kind of gave him away. They never asked about them though. I was always grateful of that. If they heard about Ty's secret... they might attack him or worse.

        The squid threw Mitch down on the ground. The canadian flopped over onto his back and gasped uncontrollably for air. I screeched and jumped at the squid, my BUDDER sword cutting the squidy blob of grossness. The squid recoiled and growled, stabbing at me wildly. I'm too quick! Haha Squid Lord! The squid stops stabbing at me, the Sky Bolt, and holds something up into the air. I stand in a confident pose, my sword up and ready for anything the stupid squid lord had waiting for me. The beast flicks his wrist and something flew toward me. I froze, trying to see what it was.

        "SKY MOVE!" I heard a shout, and a force hit my body, sending me sprawling to the left. There is the sound of glass shattering and a squeak, and turning, I see Mitch standing where I had stood. His arms were crossed in an X in front of his face in an effort to protect himself, and a purple ooze with bits of broken glass was dripping from them. I watch, frozen in horror as the goo sinks into Benja's skin. He puts down his arms and turns to face me, his eyes wide with fear.


~Mitch's POV~

        A ripple of pain runs through my body, making me scream in pure agony to the sky. My limbs give out, my limp body falling to the ground. Another wave hits me, causing me to scream again. Bile chokes me, lingering in the back of my throat. I can taste it at the back of my tongue, along with the metalic taste of blood. My body is wracked with spasms, the bile leaking from my open mouth. I had no control of my limbs, and they flew out wildly in pain. Hands grabbed at me, but I couldn't do a thing. 

        I was slung over someones shoulder, but every part of me was numb. My head spun, the pain replaced with a numbness, an emptiness that felt like it was expanding, threatening to make me burst. Black and Purple dots danced in the little vision that I had left, until everything went black.

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