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"Hey, it's Kalani. Sorry I missed you, leave a message and I'll call back as soon as I can, bye!"

Maddie's been missing you a lot lately, Kal. She keeps asking me why you had to leave and I don't know what to tell her. I don't even know why you had to leave. You had us here. You had your parents. I just don't get it. You were basically a part of our family, like when Maddie called you her honorary sister, remember?

"Mads, was it chocolate milk or strawberry you wanted?" I ask from the kitchen while watching my sister and best friend snuggle up on the couch together. We're planning on watching Elf together, even though it's nowhere close to Christmas, but it's Maddie's favorite film.

"Chocolate please" she yells back, with Kalani following, shouting that she'll have the same.

I pour us all a glass and grab a couple of snacks from the cupboards before walking back into the living room, sitting our drinks down on the table.

"There you go, your Royal highness" I say to Maddie while passing her drink over to her.

"Hey, what about me?" Kalani asks in a fake hurt tone, causing me to laugh.

"And here's yours, your Royal jester" I joke, smiling as Maddie bursts out laughing with a chocolate moustache on her face.

"What's so funny huh?" Kalani says to Maddie, only making her giggle more.

"Nothing" she replies, trying to hide her smile.

"Oh yeah? Because I think you were laughing at me" Kalani states before ushering for me to take their drinks. Yup I know what's next, the tickle monster.

"Kalani no!" Maddie screams out, but her screams are soon replaced with laughter. "Stop sissy!" she pleads, and at her words, Kalani immediately stops.

She looks at me, and we share the same expression. Maddie called Kalani her sister.

"Sissy?" Kalani asks, looking at Maddie as her face turns red with embarrassment, which Kalani and I both catch on to. "Hey, don't be embarrassed, you're already like my very own little sister since I don't have one. Can I be a honorary big sis?" Kalani asks, and I can't help but smile at how cute the moment is.

"Yeah, you can" Maddie replies before cuddling into Kalani's chest.

"But I'm the best big sister ever though, right?" I ask Maddie, and gasp when she shakes her head.

"Nu uh, Kalani is" she admits before laughing again.

"So rude, so so rude" I reply, watching as Kalani sticks her tongue out at me as if to say 'I win'.

"Just kidding Demi, you're both the best sisters" Maddie says before running over to me and jumping onto my lap.

"Nope, you can't come crawling back now" I say while pretending to be mad, even though Maddie knows I'm not being serious.

"Demiiiii, please?" Maddie whines as Kalani walks over to us.

"Yeah Demi, please?" Kalani repeats, trying to hold in a laugh.

I stare them both down as they look at me with fake puppy dog eyes.

"Alright, fine!" I give in, and am instantly attacked in a group hug.

I don't get why you had to leave Kalani. I really don't. We loved you so much, Maddie idolised you. She still does. It hurts whenever I hear her talk about you, but she's still so young, thankfully young enough to not really know about suicide. She just knows that you're in Heaven, and we tell her that you're happier up there.

Call me selfish, but I'm not happy knowing you're happy now. I'm miserable.

Miserable, Kalani. Bye.

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