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"Hey, it's Kalani. Sorry I missed you, leave a message and I'll call back as soon as I can, bye!"

So Maddie started aerial classes a couple months ago, and she's getting really good at it. She reminds me of you in the sense that she loves gymnastics and all of that stuff. She always tells me that she wants to be as good as you were, and that she wants to make you proud. Not a day goes by where I don't tell her that you're proud of her and would be smiling down at her. I know you are.

You would have made an amazing Olympic gymnast. I know that was your goal. You were training so unbelievably hard and you were passionate and determined. I would have days where I could just picture you up on that first place podium, being awarded with your medal. It hurts that now you'll never get there, but you were always first in my eyes.

Remember when you tried to teach me some tricks and I ended up in the hospital?

"Come on Demi, it's easy! Just push off your supporting leg and bring your legs back" she sighs, clearly frustrated with my lack of gymnastic skills.

"Kal, I'm stuck in this backbend and my wrists hurt. How the hell am I supposed to push off? My arms are like jello!" I reply while trying to steady my arms and shuffle my feet closer to my head so I have more of a chance at rocking over.

"Just kick your leg up and I'll catch it and help you get over okay?" she says, and I try and nod my head even though I pretty much fail since I'm upside down.

"Okay, you better catch me" I state before using all my left over strength to kick my leg up. I feel Kalani's hands wrap around my ankle, so I take the opportunity to bring my other leg up.

Bad idea.

"Kalani!" I scream while kicking my legs out in panic. I feel my foot hit something before I end up falling to the ground, bending my arm.

"OW!" I scream out, clutching my wrist with my hand. "I think I broke it" I cry while opening my eyes to see Kalani holding her hand over her eye.

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure I'm gonna have a black eye thanks to you" she chuckles before helping me to my feet.

"It's not funny, help me get to the hospital" I pout, looking down at my now swollen wrist.

"Damn, that looks sore" Kalani states, and I resist the urge to punch her other eye.

"Yeah, no shit Sherlock"

I still laugh thinking about the looks people gave us at A&E that night. Two girls, one with a black eye and the other with a black and purple wrist the size of a golf ball. Not our finest moment huh?

Man, I miss you Kal. I miss making hilarious memories with you. I wish you could come back.


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