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Bryan, Jo and I met up  for a skate one day.

"So guys where do you want to skate to?"

"I don't know D where do you want to go? How about you Jo."

"Lets race!"

"OK sounds good to me! Any objections Bryan?

"Nope none from me!"

"OK so lets skate to worm hill road, go go down that and then we'll race the long way to the mall. Winner gets to smoke a blunt to the face."

"Lets go i'm gonna kick your asses! I've been skating longer then both of you."

"Good point Bryan, but I grew up in Ireland where soccer is the main sport. I've been playing soccer for my whole eighteen years of existence so don't get too cocky it will make you kick yourself in the ass."

"Tell him Jo. Lets show him dykes are bigger men then real men haha."

I jumped on my board determined to win. Not because I want to face the blunt but because I needed something to make me feel good about myself. I still couldn't escape the thoughts. The taste on Reayes kiss lingering on my lips. The crazy time I had with Reaye and Then the insane night I spent with Annie. I still couldn't believe all that had actually happened. Bryan came up flying next to me

"Hey princess get you head out of the clouds so I can smoke you fair and square."

"Hey fuck you Bryan I'm going to kick your ass."

We both hit the top of worm hill road at the same time. We both glared at each other in our playful yet highly competitive eyes. We crouched down and and pushed off sending ourselves flying down the hill, we were as low as we could possibly get and all I could think was "Please don't let me get hit by another car." I turned around and Jo was hanging ten! She had her feet on the nose of her board and her ass pushed out behind her to stabilize her board more, she crouched a little lower and before I knew it she was flying past Bryan and I!

"What the fuck how did she do that?"

"Her legs are stronger dude, she played soccer for eighteen years remember? I Swear Bry you hear through your ass sometimes."

"Well you're behind me and I can hear you fine so you might just be right"

"I won't be behind you for long."

I was practically laying down on my board. The speed wobbles were so bad I was sure I was going to be thrown offthe . I put more pressure on my back legs and my board stabilized itself and shot me forward as if I had been slung from a sling shot. All I could hear was the wind rushing through my ears and all I could see were the trees zipping by with the houses. One minute later I was passing by Jo. Her eyes got so wide I thought they were going to pop out of her head!


"Thank man! That's how I'm going to kick your ass!"

Once I hit the bottom of the hill I pushed off with literally every ounce of power I had in my legs. Nothing was going to stop me from winning this race and if I do I won't smoke that blunt to the face because that's just mean. At this point I'm literally dripping sweat and it's a good thing I skate shirtless in just sports bras because my clothes would be stuck to me right now. I came zooming down the streets switching from skating in the street to skating on the sidewalk just so I could go off the curbs. I would carve from side to side going against the cars. I never skated with the cars because if I went against them and the people didn't see me, I would be able to see them. Some people looked at me amazed and some looked at me in disgust. Handfuls of men stared at me and eventually I got fed up and yelled at one of them 

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