Alice Game : Dawn of Recreation

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Hello guys~! I'm back after 24 hours at last LOLOL This story is connected to it's song version which is obviously obvious . Anyway , please be patient with me XD And I'm really not a great writer , I just want others to know the thoughts I have . And I wish I can interpret it with all my might and send the weird vibes waves so you can understand what the heck I'm saying Lawl ;3And I'm really sorry coz I just made my manga into a blocks of texts *cough* I mean book *cough*  *cough*  which I'm not used to do. XD

Please enjoy and comment XD wanna kno yer opinion XDD


*clock Ticking*

Darkness in never ending spatial


A Plea only heard in silence

My child , this is the tune only heard by a few

Hear the sound of the bell's cries

As they see the ruler grin at them......


A childish laughter................a demonic song

Light beams upon the magical land

Welcoming the divine figures

'But never shall thou judge'

For the dwellers have the heart only death can move

'This is thy story , this is thy will'

Now , the gods are coming back

This , my friend , marks the beginning of our end


I was the first to finish the game , the first to amuse them

I had been their toy for a heck lot of years , creating  anger and guilt at the same time -

Anger for falling to their trap

Guilt for falling into temptation

Playing in their little board was a big mistake

But nothing compares to how I am still continueously played with until now

"Vierne~" a high pitched yet with a pinch of middle toned voice came from behind me


She came close and stared at me

"Just what are you doing?" she asked me with a sarcastic tune

"I'm busy" I said looking away . I don't want to look at her eys that filled my life with lies.

I took a glance at her and saw her pouting with his rosy cheeks

Afraid of how much control I have over my body , I looked away

This person was never normal from the beginning.

This very person controlled many powerful figures in the universe -

Anyone who dares defies her - gets thrown inside the 'game'

Of course I didn't survive if it wasn't for her

They were interested in some part of mine which i still can't figure out

I was so irritated that I accidentally said "Bitch,go away already"

I gasped , too afraid to look at her

"I see" She said  with a cold voice. It ran down through my spines and gave me goosebumps

"ahhh......" was the only thing I was able to say

No choice but I have to do this.


I just said the most stupid and dramatic thing in my whole life

"I was looking back at my past memories" Yeah , looking back at the things you've done to me

I was seriously sweating

I finally gathered my courage and looked at her

.......WHAT THE HELL ?!

She was restrainning herself from laughing!

Argh......I can't believe it!

This is really worth suicide


I suddenly felt warm.

Me , a cold blooded being

Then I realized , at my back ,

I felt her chest behind me -

Her golden hair that I felt in my face-

Her little hands leaning on my shoulder


"Ge-get off of me" I said trying to reject the warmth  I haven't felt in years

"Tell me a reason why then" She asked


"I hate being in an awkward position!"

[ PLEASE.......GO AWAY.... ]

"What should we do about that , I wonder?" She asked retorically

Something in me was saying - 'She will kill you'

DAMN IT ! I know the rules!

No one need to remind me about it!

I finally lost it.

So scared

So helpless


I must be losing my mind

So thoughtless

Her hold suddenly loosend

I grabbed  the oppurtunity and stood out of my chair

I looked back and glared at her

I looked crazy

As if I was a beast ready to kill his own specie

But when I finally had my mind back

All I saw was her looking at me with a blank stare

Her eyes turned emotionless as if she disconnected herself from time

So cold that even the warmth I felt seemed fake

I can't stop looking

I was hypnotized.

[ Stop. ]

[ I beg you . ]

[ I'm not your doll ]



Thanks you for finishing and congratulations for being able to read it in one go lol

This story is actually messed up - [ like umineko and higurashi]

The cookie monster will always be here to serve you :3

Please ask permission before copying XDD

Please comment :3 I hope you enjoyed it~!

Alice Game : Dawn of RecreationTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon