"Most Definitely"

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I woke up to the sound of shattering glass, and a loud thud followed the shattering. I got up nervous, and crept silently, but quickly downstairs. The large window in the dining room now had a rather large hole in it. I walked cautiously over to the window, fearing the intruder that may or may not be here. As I reached the window I noticed the small round object laying in front of the broken window. Out of curiosity I picked it up and examined it. It was one of those cheap magic eight balls you can buy from any Walmart. I sat down at the table completely forgetting about window briefly to mess with the ball. Feeling bored I asked a simple question, "is someone in my house". I then shook it, and looked at the glowing triangle. "Yes" it said, and I chuckled. But when I stopped... I still heard chuckling, and is was directly beside me. I had hoped pretending to not notice would make it go away. Needless to say... It didn't... Whoever or whatever was next to me spoke, "ask another question". Its voice echoed surprisingly loud throughout the room despite how calm the voice was. "Am I gonna to die" I asked, my hands shaking violently. The triangle began to turn and flip, and to my surprise stopped on "no". I felt a little relieved until I saw the grey, cold, hand touch mine. "Am I going to torture him for the rest of his life" the thing next to me said as excitement was building in his voice. The triangle rolled over and stopped...... "Most definetly"

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