My job

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I love reading scary stories, mainly creepypasta. But no story ever seemed to scare me I think it's due to the fact I deal with dead animals everyday and I'm just used to gore now. But one day I was browsing through stories and I found one called "my job". When I clicked on it the first thing I noticed was the upload date was "2016 April 13", I blamed it on my computer being old and just being glitchy. But as I read I actually got scared the story featured a man who was and exterminator who would duct tape people to trees and torture them. The way the author described him the more I realized how similar he was to me, even the house in the woods was the same. It ended with the killer claiming one last victim before he was caught the same day. I sat back now terrified yet, curious I then wondered "who saw me when I killed those people?".

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