A deal

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I made a deal with the devil. I know I know not the wisest choice I could ever make but I was desperate. I had been diagnosed with cancer and I wanted to make sure my family was happy after I left. So I found a way to summon satan himself I won't tell you how. He wasn't what I expected though he wore a suit had brown hair neatly cut and the only thing odd was his yellow eyes. But when he spoke it came out I'm rumbles of a deep booming voice, he grinned "what is it that you want?" A bit taken back by his politeness, "I want to ensure that my family will be happy after my demise..." He smiled even wider "I'll do you one better I'll let you live... If I can take one organ from your body". I thought about it "what if you take away a vital organ?" I said in a shaky voice, he stopped smiling "I'll make it so you can live without the organ of my choice". "O-ok" I said and with that my wish was granted I lived and my family was happy, but guess what. Did you know your skin was considered an organ?

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