Ramblings of a mad man

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They're watching, ever so closely and so intensely. There in the corner of the room staring they cannot be human their eyes are glowing red in this pitch black room. Behind me all I can feel concrete so I only assume the room is entirely concrete at this point. Me being the already paranoid person the theories about who these people where, I'd scream for help but even the thought makes the strangers shush me. Even before I noticed them I was still afraid of the darkness, and the dead silence. Before I go completely insane I want to give you a warning never ever be alone anywhere they will find you they know when your alone and will take you. I myself last remember just sitting at home having a drink of whiskey when I passed out and woke up here. Was this place even real though or am I just drunk stumbling around in a trash can but that wouldn't explain the people in the corner. Being more calm now I attempted to stand only to have one of the figures run at me and deliver a crippling blow to the side of my head. Followed by the punch came a kick and then I was pushed back to the ground. By now I'm sure you've noticed something odd about my writing I'd tell you the secret but every time I try to write it they take my paper. These people are insane and obviously awaiting my mental breakdown that is soon to come. Monsters would be a better name for them not people there's no way they're human they're to strong and no humans eyes glow red. Please if anyone finds this note find a way to get this out to people I don't care how just do it please! Help me please they're walking closer to me I think they know that I'm trying to warn people. Before I go, avoid going out at night alone, don't go in dark alleys, avoid people if possible, no one is able to be trusted! They are evil monsters they need to be stopped but don't try please I beg you don't try. Kill anyone who tries to convince you otherwise they are working with these people don't trust them! Me........

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