It stands there

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It stands there watching me, and all I can do is stare back. Looking at the broad shoulders it is possibly a man but I can't tell. Every time I look back out the window he's another step closer, and with each step so is my demise. If he is a he there is no way he's human his body doesn't even match up to his height. He's tall, yet still very muscular and yet kinda heavy set. His hair I can't see but I can tell that it's long. He's close now, so close I can make out more features he's got two scars on his left cheek. His eyes are pure yellow and in place were his fingernails should be are blackened claws. He's now at my window looking down at me through it. He's grinning, his teeth are inhuman as well all sharp and stained with blood. He wore a white tee-shirt with dark blue jeans, he had no shoes and bandages covering his arms. Frozen in fear I begin to reach for my phone next the the couch only to be stopped by all the lights in the house going out. I looked back at the window the see him holding his finger over his lips as to shush me, I finally snapped out of my trance and ran the the kitchen to get a knife. Only to be stopped by the man or more accurate monster standing in the doorway to the kitchen. He then grabs me by the throat with his grey skinned hand, I'm then picked up off the floor by this beast. I thought I was gonna die right then and there as his strength was to much to handle. I could feel his grip crushing my trachea. But before I passed out he threw me into the wall, I looked up at him dazed and said "w-what are you" he chuckled "my child I'm no what I'm a who and my name is Geramia". Before I could say anything else I found myself once again off the ground held up by my throat, and as my vision began to fade I dropped the voice recorder that I was using to tell of my experience. He's looking down at it now and I fear that my life is about to end. So before I leave life I leave you this warning, be cautious at night fear darkness for once you enter it you may not return. He just pulled out a knife so I hope someone out there hears my warning...... *recording ends*

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