Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

The three of them stood there in silence. Rebecca staring at Adelaide, Adelaide staring at Rebecca and Samuel also staring at Rebecca. No one spoke. Rebecca looked utterly shocked.  Her face was pale while her eyes held fear. Samuel was instantly regretting not warning Rebecca about Adelaide.  

“Well, I have to thank Edward for watching you, Adelaide. I will be right back and I will let you two get acquainted,” Samuel broke the silence which seemed to relaxed Rebecca. She nodded with acceptance in my direction.    

Samuel looked at both ladies and then headed for the direction of where Edward was. Edward and Iris Thompson, were the closest neighbors to the farm. They were about a mile away. Occasionally, they would help with Adelaide when Samuel had to go into town, such as today. He was grateful for them. Without their help, he was not sure he could have made it through the last five and a half years.

When Samuel was finally out of sight Rebecca finally spoke.

“Hi, Adelaide. That is a really pretty name,” Rebecca said tenderly as she started to unpin her veil from her hair. She felt the need for Adelaide to see her face. Besides, she felt pretty silly in the mourning garb she had on. She wished she was not so childish and had to make a statement. But what was done, was done and Rebecca could not change it now.

“Thank you, I think it was my grandmother’s name. You look like a princess. That is a pretty dress. But did someone die? Oh, I am sorry. My Pa says, I should not say stuff like that.” Adelaide spoke quietly but looked down at her feet shyly. She thought she had offended Rebecca.

Rebecca smiled looking into the bright hazel eyes of the candid sweet little girl. “No. sweetheart. No one died. How old are you?” Rebecca asked, as she decided not to answer why she was wearing this dress. How do tell a child that you chose this dress because you were mourning a life that once belonged to you, for a new life? It probably would only cause more questions so it was best left unspoken.

“I am six.” Adelaide spoke with a proud grin. That caused Rebecca to smile quite largely. Rebecca always enjoyed children. She felt that was when she could be one herself. Not what was expected of her.  She could relax from the pressures of her society.

Rebecca decided to sit down in her gown so she was more level with Adelaide. So she sat on the ground causing the gown to be spread out all around her. She pushed the fabric down and sighed.

“Now that is better. Would you like to sit down with me, Adelaide?” Rebecca asked fondly. Adelaide nodded head and sat down with Rebecca.

From a distance, Samuel watched Rebecca and his daughter chat. He noticed that Rebecca had taken off the ridiculous veil. She looked stunning the way her face lit up when Adelaide said something.  She looked so innocent with her huge hooped gown gathered all around her as she sat peacefully. The sight of this made his heart skip a few beats. Maybe this was not a mistake after all. Maybe Adelaide would finally have someone to help her grow into a wonderful young lady. Samuel grinned and headed toward the girls.

“Addy, honey, why don’t you go get cleaned up while I talk with Miss Armstrong.” Samuel said as he took a seat on the ground beside Rebecca. With that, Adelaide got to her feet and started to run toward the house.

“Nice to meet you, Miss Armstrong!” Adelaide called over her shoulder.

“You too, sweetheart.” Rebecca replied.

Rebecca’s armour was back up. As soon as Adelaide left, she became rigid and stubborn again. She was uncomfortable sitting on the ground with her skirts a mess. She did not like sitting with this man she did not know. Samuel could see the change in her instantly. Her beautiful blue eyes were not as bright. Behind them, he could see the hatred for him there.  He had to ignore it though. Hopefully, she will not dislike him so strongly with time.


“I apologize for not telling you about Adelaide, Miss Armstrong. It was wrong of me. Especially, seeing as though you were hired for that purpose.” Samuel spoke with genuine concern.

“Mr. Adams-” Samuel cut her off.

"Please call me Sam. Mr. Adams is my grandfather.” He interrupted with a smile.

Rebecca was hesitant. She was not comfortable with that.

“Mr. Adams…” she continued stubborn as usual. “I am afraid I have no idea why I am here. If it is tend to your daughter, you have the wrong person for the job. As I have not the qualifications to do so. I understand that you have purchased me as if I am a slave and could be bought. But you were misled. I really do not care how much you paid for me to save my father from his debts. I cannot be sold of the like of cattle. And as for me being “hired” as you put it, I was not hired. I do not make am income or did I apply for this job. So if you could be so kind, Mr. Adams please take me home.” Rebecca stated coldly. She held a lot of irritation in her voice.

“Well ma’am, I am afraid I cannot take you home. This is your home now. You will live here with my daughter and me. You will tend to my daughter. You will teach her how to read and write. You will cook OUR meals. You will clean OUR house. There are no maids, butlers, or cooks. And while we are on the subject, Miss Armstrong, you were “hired.” There was a large amount paid to your father in return for you. But you will still receive a wage a $40 dollars a week. But you are to remain until you are 21 years of age.” Samuel matched Rebecca’s tone. He spoke to her with authority, and finality. “I wish we could be civil to one another. I do understand this is not easy for you, Miss Armstrong. But this is the way it is. Nothing can be done about it now.” He was calmer now. Samuel got to his feet. He held out a hand for Rebecca. She paused briefly before accepting. The realization that she could not get up on her own was obvious. She sighed and put hers hands in his allowing him to hoist her to her feet.

The instant their hands touched, Rebecca felt the intense heat shot up her arms. Her pulse quickened and she felt her face growing red and hot. This was not good, she thought. She did not want to be attracted to this man and of all men.  How could she be strong if she was attracted to him?

“I will have Adelaide show around when you are ready, Miss. Armstrong. I’ll put your belongings in your room.” Samuel said as he released her hands. The second he did, she felt cold and a shiver went through her body. She was almost disappointment he let go. All she could do now was nod with acceptance.  Suddenly Samuel was gone. He was walking to toward the house quickly, giving her time to collect herself before she followed.

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