chapter 4

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Chapter 4

The wagon ride was quiet. Neither Samuel nor Rebecca attempted to make conversation. Rebecca just looked blankly at the passing scenery. As they were passing the tress and hills, Rebecca realized that it was quite beautiful. It was quiet and the air seemed crisper. There was more wild life around. She never really saw much nature at the mansion. Everything always seemed busy and congested.

Samuel watched Rebecca for a few moments. She was staring out in to the trees, obviously thinking of something. He could only imagine that it was dread that she was feeling. But to look at her face, it actually seemed content. But he doubted that she would be willing to admit that any time soon. 

As they rode, Samuel desperately wanted to talk with her before they reached the homestead. There were things she should know before going into this. What was expected of her. He also wanted to tell about this arrangement. But all the things she did not know. But now was not the time for that conversation. Frankly he wasn’t sure that conversation should ever take place.

“Are you comfortable Miss Armstrong?” Samuel asked awkwardly to break the uncomfortable silence. It seemed to startle Rebecca out of her reflections.

“Oh, yes Sir. I am fine, thank you.” Rebecca replied surprisingly polite.

“Can I ask you something, Miss. Armstrong?” He hesitated unsure if he should continue after she merely nodded her acceptance. “What is the mourning attire about?”

“Is it not obvious, Mr. Adams?” Rebecca retorted with a slight smile upon her face. She had a terrific smile he thought. Even if it was only a half-smile. He definitely wanted to see more that. Samuel chuckled at that statement.

“Does that mean you will be wearing these window’s weeds for the remainder of your stay?” He asked amused.

“Do not mock me, Mr. Adams. This whole ordeal was not my choice. So yes, I am mourning. I am mourning that my old life as it is, no longer exists.” Rebecca stated with no uncertain terms. She was not pleased. Really, could you blame the girl? Little did she know, this was not his choice either.  But her father probably said it was. He did not want to seem like that bad guy. When in reality he was. He sold his daughter to the first person that came along with money, all to save his house after he gambled it away. He was a great man with integrity. She thought sarcastically.


Rebecca clearly did not want to talk anymore. She turned her head away from Samuel. Luckily, it was not much longer until they reach the farm. He was not going to say what he wanted. He would just have to tell her later. Hopefully she would not hate him more then she already did. With a muted sigh, Samuel continued to steer the wagon.

Finally after another forty-five minutes, they have arrived. Samuel stopped the wagon right outside of his house and jumped off the bench. He started to unload the wagon and remove all of her large heavy trunks. He realized that Rebecca had not moved at all. She was just looking at her surroundings. Taking everything in. He was sure with entire disappointment and distain.

As Rebecca looked around the farm she saw things she had not expected. Well, she did not know what to exactly expect. The property was fairly large. It was very private. There did not seem to be any neighbours in site. Rebecca noticed a few things off hand. 

Samuel had three horses and a colt in a pen by the side of the house. But aside from that, it did not look like a working farm from the front of the house. Rebecca then noticed the house itself. It was a modest two story dwelling. It was made of mostly stone but had some wood detailing. The part that Rebecca enjoyed the most was the wrap around veranda with a cute porch swing.  The house itself was surprisingly cute. For some reason, Rebecca was not appalled. She found this soothing in some way she was unsure of. Obviously, this was not the best of circumstances but she will have to make due.

Samuel saw a look of interest on Rebecca’s face. She did not hate it. This was definitely a good thing. He thought the second she came on his property, she would demand he take her home. There were things here that she was not used to. There was not running water here. Only the well out back.  There was a wood stove. Not that she would know any difference. There was animals for everything. Cows for milk, they would drink. Hens for eggs. Goats for cheese. But at the moment she was pleased. Samuel knew that would end soon. Samuel lifted her from the bench. There was something he needed to show her before she saw anything else. Something that was the most important thing in the entire world... The main reason she was here…


Samuel directed Rebecca into the house. He gave her a quick tour of things that he was sure he would go over again later. He headed toward the back door through the kitchen. Rebecca followed looking around quickly as the past the living room, dining room, kitchen and now the back porch where they stood. Samuel looked around the back yard. There was a chicken coop to left of the house. Some cows in a pen to the right. And to Rebecca’s surprise, there was a pond with ducks at the far end of the yard. Beyond that, there appeared to be a stream and that is where they were headed.

Rebecca was curious about everything. Why was he taking her back here? Why was he not saying anything as they passed things? She thought that he assumed she knew what it all was and how everything worked.  Clearly, she was in for a huge shock. They came to the stream. It was beautiful. Rebecca thought that Samuel was showing her the best things first.

Then Rebecca saw what Samuel was looking at. To Rebecca’s surprise, there was a little girl sitting beside the stream. She had her back toward them. She sat with her knees tugged under her. Her long straight brown hair was half way down her back. She was a wearing a simple purple dress made of cotton with a floral print. The little girl turned around and ran toward Samuel. He effortlessly scooped her up in his arms and kissed her nose. Then set her back on her feet.

“Rebecca, this is Adelaide. My daughter.” He looked at Rebecca as her face drained of any color. Samuel then turned to his daughter and tenderly said, “Adelaide honey, This is Rebecca, your new governess.”


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