Don't Bite Chapter 35-Meeting The Parents

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"I don't understand," Uncle Scott said, looking at me like I was crazy. "You want me to 'just let her go'?"

I thought about it and shook my head. "Not necessarily. She deserves to be punished for what she did, just not... you know." I said, hoping he would understand.

He gave me a frown. "No, I don't know. What are you talking about?"

I glared at him. "You do know!" He was going to play dumb? Seriously?

"I really don't. Kids these days..." he trailed off, mumbling to himself which irritated me.

"Uncle Scott!"


I groaned, which turned into an annoyed growl. "Kill her! I don't want you to kill her!"

He was really looking at me then like I had grown a mustache in the few minutes we were having a conversation. "First you say kill her, then you say don't kill her... have you been smoking weed? I'm worried, do I need to call your Dad in here?"

"Uncle Scott, just don't kill her, okay? Please, she doesn't have to die for what she did."

This made him laugh. "She wasn't going to, anyway. Unless she has some sort of werewolf cancer that I somehow don't know about."

"She's not?" I asked, surprised.

He seemed surprised that I was surprised, which surprised me even more... I just thought the word surprise like, a million times. "Nah, what kind of people do you think we are?"

"So, you don't kill rogues who attack us?"

"Of course we do."

"But she attacked Carmen and you weren't even going to kill her?" Now I was slightly insulted-for Carmen, of course, because I knew she would be. Even though she doesn't believe in violence and all that.

"Well, Nadia did attack Carmen, but we were able to restrain her without spilling any blood. Not to mention Nadia's not a rogue, she's a minor, and she's female. We tend to bend rules just a little bit in cases like this."

I let out a sigh of relief. "Well, this was easier than I thought."

"I am curious though, why are you protecting her when she tried to murder your friend in cold blood?" he asked.

I smiled at him, thinking about it. Why had I done it? Why was I protecting this girl? I thought about my relationship with Blake, all the bumpy roads we'd hit, everything we'd been through, what we were going through now. I thought about how I loved him, and how I would do just about anything to be his girl. And then I had my answer.

"Because," I said. "'All is fair in love and war'. Everyone deserves a happy ending, Uncle Scott."

He snickered. "Look at you. Using famous quotes and stuff."

I shrugged, having no idea who the person who originally said that was, I didn't exactly care either.

"It's funny you should say that, because I still haven't got mine. A happy ending, that is." Uncle Scott joked, but I could tell a part of him really was worried that he never would.

"You're still young-as young as thirty nine gets-you have plenty of time to find your mate. Don't worry, Unc."

I stood from my seat at the kitchen table, letting out a yawn. "I've had a long day, and it's only four o' clock!"

Uncle Scott rolled his eyes. "If this was a long day for you, then you have no business being a part of the royal family. Royal family..." he trailed off in an annoyed mutter. "Who came up with that anyway?"

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