Happy holidays and a happy new year.

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I'm sorry for how long I've been gone. Sorry if I freaked you guys out. But lately I've been ok, just...okay. I don't know what I'm doing anymore I'm currently screwing my best friend and her ex crush (she knows and is okay with it) and I literally realized something in the time I have been gone. No one really wants me. Yeah guys/girls hit on me, and talk to me, but all they want is sex. They say they aren't like that but they all are. Every person that likes me only likes me for how thick my legs are and how fat my ass is. I've never had someone like me for everything and I guess that's what makes me the hoe I am. I fuck around and get my feelings hurt, it's a cycle. Never has anyone one considered my feelings but only the feeling, of power, sex, dominance. I long for the fullness of true liking... I'm not ready for true love. I just want someone to genuinely care for me like I'm theirs and no one else's and they're mine and no one else's.

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