Chapter 16

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- One month later-

After the shock of hearing that Blake was shot, I thought he was dead. Hearing his voice relieved me so much, he calls me every day and we chat about what's going on with us. I hated this, it's like an unplanned long distance relationship.

I tried to stop worrying about Blake, tried to keep busy and focus on my baby.

Speaking of my baby, yesterday for my 3-month sonogram, Ava went with and she started crying when she saw our little baby. I stared at the sonar last night for a long time, trying to persuade myself that everything will be okay in the end.

Ava couldn't go back to work so she took a leave of absence, we avoided going out as much as possible and didn't talk to the locals at all.

I sat on the chair that stretched out on the balcony, overlooking the beach. My hand resting on my protruding belly. David also calls me a lot, asking if there are things that we need and if I'm okay. He even offered to drive out here if we need him.

Today wasn't one of my best days, the morning sickness subsided but I feel like a walking zombie now. To top this all off, my breasts are getting bigger, in general, I feel uncomfortable. The wind is becoming cooler and winter is officially here. Blake mentioned he had a Christmas party and that he really doesn't want to go.

Something inside me wondered, if maybe he's making up the whole story of people still being after him just so that he can get rid of me, I'm still his problem after all. I kept pushing the nagging feeling down, I may be love blind but I think he means well and is really worried about us.

Ava walked onto the balcony, also looking at the sunset.

"It's beautiful around here" she sat down on the other chair, I turned to her and saw a sad smile on her face.

"Do you love him?" She snapped her head to me.

"Who? Adrian?" I nodded slowly, who else?

"No, I don't think so ,if you haven't noticed, he isn't the type of guy that does relationships, we have fun together but that's about it, we agreed 'I use you for my own pleasure and you use me for your own pleasure," She pursed her lips together like she didn't agree with that idea at all. I know my sister, and I know that it isn't so easy, like she just doesn't love him, maybe she's just teetering on that line of love and nothingness.

I'm guessing more on the side of friends -with -benefits-who-might-love-each-other but it's not really my business.

"Tomorrow we should go some more toy shopping, or clothes shopping." She loves to buy baby toys for me and clothes even if we don't know the gender yet. I'm happy to have her with me, she keeps me from driving myself crazy.

"We can" With that she walked away, I sat for a moment more and just studied the sunset.

Sleeping lately has been a struggle, I get nightmares where I see a grave being dug, the sand whipping in the cold cloudy day. I stand at the grave to see a coffin being slowly dropped inside, no one around me was here. I looked down and I see myself holding a sleeping baby. I soon enough realize that the coffin has Blake inside, all the feelings I have when I buried my brother came back to me.

I sat up of the shock, my heart beating like I've run a marathon and tears running down my face as I cry.

Each night, the same nightmare. Haunting me.

I just want to sleep in Blake's arms again, having him hold me like he did.

I woke up very early, got dressed and got downstairs. Ava was already up, she practically never sleeps and always has energy unlike me who sleeps forever and has no energy. She was making breakfast and dancing around like what is going on with Blake and Adrian was all just a dream.

She seems to be one of those people who couldn't be moved from her goal no matter what you throw at her. She heard me coming down the glass stairs and turned to me.

"Hi sis, I'm making breakfast, healthy breakfast for three." I glared at her.

"You can be a bit more tactful and say two" She smiled at me and shrugged, she was actually too happy, unnaturally happy now that I think about it and gave me no smart alec remark.

"Why exactly are you this happy?"

"Can't a girl be happy? Although it helps that my boss told me I can do a makeup article from here until I get back "

"That isn't all" For a moment she smile and then her smile faded when she knew she was caught.

"It's none of your business"

"It's all up in my business when I saw you butt naked with Adrian." She turned red and with a sigh explained.

"Well, remember that I warned you- so I woke up and it was a call from Adrian, not just a normal call, a video call. He told me he misses me and when we get back we have some serious talking to do, besides that, we kept talking and it started getting sexy so-"

"Okay, okay I get it" she wagged the spoon at me.

"You asked for it so I'm going to explicitly tell you in details you'll never forget,"

And she did. Every bloody detail, everything.

Knowing how Adrian looked naked is really not something I want to know. I shuddered as she made me picture these events.

I retreated to my room, I heard my phone vibrating on the dresser, picking it up.

"Blake". I greeted and I think I could hear the smile forming on his face when he said my name.

"Juliet, I have some great news."

"Yeah? "

"Well Adrian and I are coming to visit for the whole weekend, our problem is slowly being solved but maybe within the next two weeks, you can come home. We're coming over tomorrow." I heard a bit of sadness in his voice, sadness because he missed me.

"That's great news!" I was at a lack of words today, I'm still tired.

"How is my baby doing?"

"Growing, you should see the little fingers now, the stubs we saw first have become tiny hands and finger, ooh and the toes, the toes," I think tears slid down my cheek, happy tears. I sent Blake pictures of the sonar's but they weren't very clear.

"And you?"

" I miss you, I know this sounds stupid to you but I need you more than I ever expected I would, actually I thought you were a pompous ass for a while but now..."

"I know, when I see you tomorrow I'm going to explain this to you then you can decide if you feel this same way still" I tried to ignore what he said, like his warning yesterday, his secrets he still can't share with me which makes me sure of my previous thought, I was just a play thing that's went awfully wrong.

I let out rueful sigh.

"Can you ask Adrian to keep himself calm , I don't want to hear any more stories of what he and Ava get up to early in the morning."


"Again." I heard shuffling on the other side and Blake speaking.

"Adrian, you need to wait until tomorrow please, before you call Ava-hell get your ass tanned before you try that again, we don't want to walk in on you again and if we do a pasty white ass is not what we want to see."

"You're rude, stop talking about my ass, this" I heard him slap something, probably his butt.

"Is private property."

"Just lock the doors"

"With pleasure" The muffling sound became clearer.

"Sorry I saw Adrian walking in the office now so I had to warn him before he disappears again, so I'll see you tomorrow night?"

As I ended the call I felt excitement course through me but it was laced with dread, dread about his secrets.

*I'll publish the second update a bit later, don't you just love these brothers? 

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