Chapter 13

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"This place scares me," Adrian murmured, we were having lunch and I remembered that I ordered a baby crib, so I have to pick it up. I took Adrian with me to see what he would d around all these baby things.

So here we are, two rather big men with suits, walking around in a shop decorated in everything baby. It's not something you get to see every day.

"How are you and Juliet doing?" He asks while cautiously looking at the pink baby dresses, which I now found very cute...a word I'd never think I'd use. I smiled.

"Good, really good. She agreed to wait until after the baby is born to start working again and she is mostly staying with me but goes to her sister's once in a while" I smiled to myself, I asked the old lady at the counter who ogled us for my order, I'm not sure a crib could fit in a Lamborghini but I'll make a plan, luckily I have other family friendly cars for when my baby is born.

"I thought you said that you didn't want a wife,"

"I still don't, we're not getting married-stop harassing me when you're getting down and dirty with her sister." I snapped. The lady brought out the crib, I picked it up and walk with Adrian. Thank goodness for flatpack.

"How did you know that?" he is starting to turn red, this made me laugh.

"We saw that I didn't know you had such a white ass, you should get that tanned," He looked at me very annoyed.

"Oh shut up, Ava and I are doing well, she'll be back from Milan tomorrow." He has this dreamy daze in his eyes, oh boy. I somehow got the crib inside the sports car and then drove to the office. We had the last few deals of the year to close before Christmas, we never do something for Christmas except the partly mandatory Christmas party.

Our guy has yet to get back to us with some news, Anatra isn't talking and his men are being killed like roaches, not exactly by us but other members of other secret associations-mob men. The longer we have him the more of his so called empire is going to crumble.

Now I'm not an unfair man but I can't have him alive. Even if we have evidence to get him to jail it won't be enough for me. I really don't want to look over my shoulder every time I go out and have my men follow Juliet to makes sure she's safe.

It's almost the end of the week and it's clear he won't talk. Once before have I killed a man, looked him in the eyes and shot him point blank, it was in service of my country but this time it's going to be in the name of love.

This is something I've realized lately, not having Juliet near me, in my arms, makes me panic and just, in general, pissed. If she's not around I get agitated just because she makes me happy, I couldn't figure out why until Adrian and I went out for quick drinks last night. There was this group of girls that tried to persuade us to go home with them, strangely enough, Adrian said "Hell to the no, my hot body is coming home for me," this was meant to be sound sweet I think, and I wasn't interested. I can't have meaningless sex anymore.

I can't live without her, I love her. When I figured out what I was feeling, it all made sense. Because I can see all of her, roots and flowers included, if she loves me then she loves the person I'm pretending to be, not all the monster parts I have.

If she finds out who I really am and the secrets I keep then she wouldn't love me anymore-she'd hate me.

Coming home today is the best part of my day, it's been a rough week. I unloaded the crib and carried it up to the guest floor. I placed it in one of the rooms, it would be so much easier to hire someone to decorate this room, but it's my baby after all.

"Juliet?" I asked walking into the kitchen, she wasn't there, I tried not to freak out. I called her and she picked up.

"Hey darling," Her voice made a chill run down my spine.

"Where are you, I just got home." I tried to stay calm and not freak out like I did the last time I couldn't find her.

"Oh, I'm picking Ava up from the airport and then we're going home, didn't I tell yu that this morning? Sorry, it must've slipped my mind" We're going home, tonight she isn't staying with me then.

"Why isn't Adrian doing it?" I felt a bit of irritation build up, but I can't tell her to come and stay with me, she isn't my wife. She had a life that didn't include me too.

"I think she just asked me and not him, I have to go." And she hangs up.

I let out a deep breath, I couldn't be angry about it. I then called Adrian, why wasn't he picking up his girlfriend? Juliet isn' t supposed to be doing that.

After the second ring, e picks up.

"Why didn't you pick up Ava at the airport?"

"She said Juliet is already on her way, we have a date tomorrow-there better be a reason why you are so nosy tonight and very agitated it would sound."

"Yes there is, can you come over tonight?" He agreed since he said he didn't feel up to going out.

When he got to my house he came in and looked around curiously.

"With what do you want my help?" I only invited him over when I need his help and he only invites me to his house when he wants someone to grill for him (he's one pathetic cook). It's a brother thing.

"I can't read Chinese and I have to assemble this crib." We walk into the room, it isn't painted yet and there is just the flat pack crib and the changing table.

"Luckily, I can read Chinese." He rolls up his sleeves and kicks off his shoes, he then takes the instructions and I spread out the wooden pieces.

"Take leg right, put on this is the right translation I swear." I picked up the right bottom piece and looked at it, Adrian looked at me and I at him-we started laughing loudly. Tonight is going to be a long night.

After a while of contemplating what should go where we started putting it together, this is so out of character for us both but I guess love changes you. By one AM in the morning the flat pack was converted into a sturdy crib. I sat on the wooden floor, staring at the crib before Adrian decided to make breakfast/dinner (which will be burned for sure).

I wasn't tired at all, I felt too irritated to sleep.

I felt my phone vibrate, I looked at the number for a moment, alarm bells started ringing in my head. It was our guy's number.

"What's wrong?"

There was a muffled sound, shots being fired.

"Are you okay!" Of course, he wasn't but I need to figure out what is going on, Adrian is now standing beside me gesturing a 'what is going on' in my direction, I just wave him off.

"Anatra...he got...loose and...said he's coming for you." I let out a shaky breath.

"Get yourself out of there." I stood up abruptly. Turning to Adrian.

"Anatra has escaped, he's coming for us. I need to get Ava and Juliet safe." He stopped me.

"I'll arrange that, then I'm coming with you." I nodded and ran down to the garage, I was right when I thought that I'm going to be needing my arsenal of guns and ammunition soon. I hope that I can get to him before he gets to someone I love, Juliet.

I packed up all the guns that I could, Adrian rushed in.

"I've arranged for Ava and Juliet to be taken to a safe place, where are you going with all of that?"

"To find Anatra."

"No, he's coming after you so you're going to be the bait and I'm the bait protector, I think there's a good chance he might not even come here, one bullet through the window is all he needs."

"I can't just sit here and wait."

"You have to, I've asked Archer to come ." Archer is one of the best infantryman I know.

"He's back? Isn't he in Iran?"

"No, he is coming back for the same reason we did-the terror"

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