He Assigns Me Homework, Gives Me Detention, Then kisses me? WTF! **Teacher** 7

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“Why are we here?” I trailed my hand along the wire fence.

“When I was a kid. The one thing that really let me let go of the stress was this.” Isaac picked up the basketball lying on the ground ands started bouncing it.

I looked around at the empty basketball court, the sun set and twilight was creeping its way in. There were a few streetlights lining the court, giving us light.

“You had stress when you were a kid?” He bounced the ball towards me and I caught it with ease. I used to be on the team back in middle school. I took a shot from the 3-point mark and made it in.

“Swoosh Swoosh.” He said, smiling.

“Yeah, it wasn’t really anything. Just family stuff.” He shrugged and I decided not to pry.

“Yeah I get that.” I nodded my head.

“Sorry if this isn’t really impressive.” He made a shot and missed.

“Why would you say that?”

“Well, I mean, I don’t think this is really the perfect date for a girl. Usually you all like fancy restaurants and movies, or whatever.” He mumbled.

“I am a girl, but I’m not like that. I’ll take McDonald’s over anything. And I’d rather be playing basketball then wasting time watching a movie.” I said, taking another shot. I could tell he was looking at me so I turned around. He was just staring at me.

“What? Do I have something on my face?” I brushed my cheek, a little self-conscience.

“Nothing, your perfect.” He said smiling. “How about some Horse?” I smiled and nodded my head. Who knew I would be having so much fun just playing basketball. By the end of the night I had won 2 out of 3 games of Horse and we were both laying on top of a picnic table laughing and a little bit sweaty.

“That was an impressive slam dunk, I really didn’t think you could do it.” Isaac laughed leaning up on his elbow. I did the same and giggled.

“Don’t underestimate me next time.”

“I won’t.” He whispered. We were both quiet and I looked in his eyes. He was so different from Tristan. He was warm, not cold. He was sweet, not sarcastic. He was Isaac…I turned away and coughed.

“It’s getting late.” I said, slipping off the table. Isaac jumped down and gave me his hand.

“Where was this clumsiness when we were playing?” He laughed and pulled me up.

“Sorry my legs are like jello.” I decided to blame that on the game and not his eyes.

“It’s ok. Here.” He tossed me the helmet.

“So I’ll see you tomorrow right?” We were on my porch, under the flickering light.

“Yeah. Around one right?” He shoved his hands in his pocket. 

“That’s perfect. My date isn’t going to be much fun though. Dress for outdoors.” I giggled, silently praying he would have a good time.

“Andy, can I ask you something?” I nodded, maybe a little too eagerly.

“How come you are completely different then any girl here? The second I walked into school the first day they were all over me like vultures. But you…you didn’t even notice me until Mr. Taylor called my name.” He was staring at me now, looking for any type of sign.

“I don’t know Isaac. I guess I’m just not as pretty or sexy as they are; I guess just have things going on. I haven’t really been paying attention to anything lately. “ I tried explaining but it sounded stupid. My hands were in his before I had a chance to breathe.

He Assigns Me Homework, Gives Me Detention, Then kisses me? WTF! **Teacher**Where stories live. Discover now