Chapter 3

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Her mother, Maggie, and herself walked up the steps to the castle. Her brother was in the military so he was in uniform and stationed somewhere towns away

Walking up the last few steps I could hear the music, the laughter, the chatter. She usually hated these but with her new hope she felt the slight warm feeling in her soul over power the anxiety of being out of place

Her sister and mother walked in first. She watched how they gracefully made their way into the room, no second thoughts.

She patted her dress, then touched her hair, double checking everything, then took the plunge and walked in with her head high.

A good part of the chatter stopped instantly as eyes turned her direction. She had purposely chosen to wear the blue dress because it would stand out less than red. She felt the anxiety flood back, she lowered her head slightly and began making her way to the back door.

After a few whispers the chatter picked up again. Most people were dancing, so it wasn't to hard to slip past along the edge

She couldn't help but feel stupid. She actually thought she'd fit in. It took a mask but she thought she could.

She reached the door to the back patio. She didn't have any second thoughts about stepping through this one. The newly appearing stars would help her clear her head.

She took a few steps outside away from the noise before seeing someone sitting on the bench

"Excuse me sir, are you alright?" She asked from behind.

"Yeah. I came out to clear my head. The girl I hoped would be here isn't."

"I'm sorry to hear that"

"Sometimes I look at the stars and think of her. She always loved them, always thought they were magical other worlds. I'll look at them and wonder if she's looking at them too, thinking of me." He said.

She hadn't seen his face but suddenly she knew who he was. And he was talking about.. Her? Couldn't be

"Prince?" She asked

"Yes? How did you kno..." He started to ask while looking over his shoulder

He saw her and stood up instantly

"Terrance? I was just.. Forget that I.." He tried to stumble through his words

"Are you ok?" She asked again, lightly blushing

He cleared cleared his throat and straightened his jacket

"You look stunning. I never thought you could ever be convinced to wear something like that." He complimented

She looked down to prevent her face from being seen. She felt it get hot

She walked over to him and sat next to where he had been previously

"Thanks. But when I walked in people just stared. I don't think I'll ever fit in." She said

"Way I?" He asked referring to the bench spit next to her

"Of course." She said with a soft smile

"They must have been staring silently, shocked by how lovely you look. The blue really compliments your eyes."

"Well thank you." She said looking down again, "you mentioned my stars theory?"

"Yes. You're not like anyone else, dancing with girls obsessed with royalty gets old, you always make things more interesting."

"With my star theories?" She asked with a goofy grin

"Yes. Do you remember each night, racing up the side of the castle, then pointing out stars and creating stories about them every night growing up?"

Her smile faded

"Yes, until you turned 14 and began ignoring me?" She asked disappointed by the memory

"That was never my choice" he defended

"I went to the castle rooftop for weeks after, hoping to see my friend, but I never saw you again besides these stupid parties, where you danced with hundreds of girls, you even avoided eye contact with me." She said, no smile, not hiding her anger

"I didn't want to lose your friendship.." He tried

"My friendship?" She stood up

"It wasn't my choice!" He said

"Everything is a choice Davis. And I'm making mine. I would rather spend my night with dancing bimbos than a friend who will simply ignore me again tomorrow." She said boldly

She forced a polite curtesy "prince" before walking back inside where she was asked to dance by the prince's known best friend. His parents, the king's previous advisors, had died, and the king took in their son Samuel to honor the dear friend he lost

She saw prince Davis come to the door, made eye contact with him, then took the hand of Samuel to the dance floor.

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