Chapter 11

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We walked down the road imbetween the hobbit holes

"Wait, is there even a leader of the hobbits? I thought they were calm and unadventurous" I asked Avani

"There's a counsel"

I followed him down the road then turned right to a building above ground

We walked through the heavy wooden door

It was a one room building with 1 table inside, there were 3 hobbits sitting around it

"Prince, why are you here! Elves.. We don't want adventure." One hobbit with brown hair said

"Now now, respect him" one with short gray hair said

"At least hear him out" a red headed hanging said

"This is emahki, we have come for your moon stone" Avani said politely

"Emahki?" The burnet asked

"It means the chosen one in sacred elvish." The gray hairs one answered

"Sun stone, it's part of the sun not moon." The burnet said ignorantly

"It is yes but we call the necklace stones moon stones." The gray haired one answered slightly annoyed

All three hobbits eyed Avani hesitantly

The gray haired hobbit slowly reached under his tunic like hood and removed the moon stone necklace. He then reached out across the table

Terrance leaned forward and accepted it. She hung it around her own neck

"I trust your judgement Avani, you've become a wise elf following in your father's foot steps. Don't disappoint me" the gray haired elf said

Avani nodded and turned to leave followed by Terrance and Ava

They walked out of the council house and down the road a bit before Avani stopped them and turned to face them

"As I said, I shall be returning to the elvish territory now." Avani said

Ava nodded while Terrance looked down as the ground and faked a smile on response

"Ava stay here, Terrance follow me." Avani said turning and leading Terrance behind a hill

"Yes sir" Ava said

When they were out of sight and hearing distance Avani turned to her and lifted her chin

"There's another reason I must head back" he said

"That is?" She asked looking into his sparkling eyes

"I chose Ava because I know you'd need me but I can't be there for you and I chose Ava over a soldier because I can't stand the thought of you spending that much time with another.."

"What are saying Avani?" She asked, butterflies in her stomach

"I.. I can't let myself fall deeper for you.. I'm an elf, you're a human, couldn't happen"

"Are you saying..?" She tried to imply

"I like you? Yes. We've spent so much time together and I don't have to be prince around you I feel like myself"

She gazed into his eyes a moment more before reaching a hand up to his jaw line and neck

"I'm sorry Terrance, this is why I can't go on the journey with you.." He started but before he finished the last word she pushed herself up on her tiptoes and pulled him into a kiss

To her surprise but pleasure, once her lips initially touched his he kissed back

She broke the kiss and stepped back

"Sorry.." She started to apologize, biting her lip as an awkward habit

"Don't ever appologize" he said before stepping forward and kissing her again

When he stepped back they smiled at each other before heading back, an unspoken silence yet understanding between them

They walked back over to Ava

"Good by ladies, I hope to hear from you soon" Avani said before walking away

Ava turned to Terrance

"Alrighty, trolls or marrow first? Take your pic, bird people or atrocious creatures who will eat us without a second thought?" Ava asked

"Bird people" Terrance said with a smile

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